5 best Minecraft secret bases for beginners



The bed base is an absolutely amazing way to deceive players who are looking to loot a base. As seen in the image above, a bed is placed between a one-by-two corridor and a base is placed behind this bed. When the player sleeps in the bed, they will spawn inside of the base.

Bed Base



Hidden piston doors are an effective, yet cool way to hide a secret base. These doors will require a redstone signal on a specific block, which can be activated with a button or lever. Buttons and levers can be removed once they are redundant to keep the base hidden.

Hidden Piston Door



While some secret bases have grandiose entrances, which are certainly cool, nothing can replace Ol' reliable. All a player has to do is build an underground base and cover it with whatever blocks blend in with the environment. The only downside is that the player will have to break the blocks upon leaving and entering the base.

Ol' Reliable



Most oceans are absolutely massive, as well as usually unexplored. These factors allow players to make their underwater bases quite inconspicuous. The owner of the underwater base will just have to remember where the it was placed, and maybe even create a secret railway to travel to the base.

Underwater Base



It will take some effort to travel to and from these ones, bedrock level bases are a great way to hide those valuable resources. Since bedrock is very far from the surface (and is only getting deeper in Minecraft 1.18), it would be quite rare and unfortunate for a player to run into a secret base at the bedrock layer.

Bedrock Base