5 Funny Mods In Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy allows players to step into the beloved wizarding world and etch their own legacy.


Gamers have already created several humorous modifications that shake things up since they are out of place.

Spiel Times

Disney's renowned mouse makes an appearance in Hogwarts Legacy, notably in the Sorcerer Mickey edition.


Sorcerer Mickey and other characters

The pleasant cartoon mouse annihilating adversaries with Avada Kedavra, on the other hand, is a sight worth watching at least once.

We Got This Covered

VTubers, or streamers that employ an animated or cartoon avatar for their live streams instead of their real-life character, have lately gained popularity at HL.


Portraits of VTubers

Although the anime style is out of place in a late-nineteenth-century context, many people find it amusing.

Sirus Gaming

Broomstick flight is an important aspect of Hogwarts Legacy, so it's no wonder that the modding community has given it the attention it deserves.

GINX Esports TV

Broomstick Swaps (Thomas the Train, Shrek, etc)

Radio Times

The first is Thomas the Train, which was made possible via the ThomasBroom mod. The other is even more peculiar: Shrek Broom.

The mod, dubbed "Arachnophobia Mode," converts all spider modifications into a wooden box.

Hogwarts Legacy

For arachnophobes, box spiders

It should be noted that the same model is used for all enemies, regardless of whether they are standard or powerful types.

PC Gamer

The Peter Parker Spider-Man mod allows players to introduce Manhattan's iconic red-and-blue superhero into the Wizarding World.

Nexus Mods

Peter Potter

While there will be no web-slinging hijinks here, this aesthetic hack replaces the Dreamer's Nightmare

Nexus Mods

clothing appearance with the traditional Spidey-suit appearance (without mask).

Nexus Mods

Swipe up to know more about the hilarious Hogwarts Legacy mods to liven your player experience!