6 Common  Causes BehindYellow Teeth



Yellow teeth can be a source of self-consciousness and concern for many.

Concern of yellow teeth

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While a radiant white smile is often associated with good oral health, several factors can lead to teeth taking on a yellowish hue.

Beyond the white smile

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Explore 6 common causes behind yellow teeth.

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Causes behind yellow teeth

Yellow teeth can often be hereditary as family history does influence tooth color, which can range from reddish-brown to grey.

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Thinner enamel exposes more dentine, which intensifies the yellow hue of teeth.

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Enamel erosion

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Smoking tobacco can cause teeth stains, quitting not only improves overall health but also benefits tooth color.


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Foods like tomato-based sauces, dark berries, and curry spices contain pigments that cause surface staining on the teeth.

Staining foods

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Coffee, tea, red wine, and soda can lead to teeth stains over time, while artificial flavors in some beverages contribute to tooth discoloration.


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Certain antibiotics such as tetracycline may cause teeth discoloration, affecting both enamel and gums.


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