7 Signs To Identify Toxic Behaviour Within Yourself


It is vital to prioritise self help in today's world. As toxic behaviour and negativity frequently find their way into our lives and cause tension and unrest.

From Negative to Positive: Identifying Toxic Habits in Yourself


It might be difficult to detect when we are engaging in toxic behaviour even though it is easy to spot other toxic people in our lives.


Blaming others for one's own troubles is one of the most typical characteristics of toxic people. You can be acting in a toxic manner if you discover that you frequently blame your family, friends, or coworkers for your problems.


#1 Blaming others

Accepting responsibility for your choices and realising that you can use self-help to alter your situation are both crucial.


Strive to change your perspective and concentrate on the good things in your life. You may greatly enhance your general happiness and mental health by practising gratitude.

#2 Constant negative thoughts


A toxic behaviour that can damage relationships and foster a negative atmosphere is gossiping.

#3 Gossipping


It might be time to think about your actions and try to make changes if you find yourself gossiping about someone all the time.


Micromanaging and controlling may indicate a deeper problem. Relationships may suffer as a result of this conduct. Strive to trust other people and give them the freedom to choose for themselves.

#4 Try to control people around you


An indication of toxic behaviour may be excessive criticism of others. While giving constructive criticism is vital,

#5 Over criticising others


doing so on a regular basis can damage relationships and foster a hostile environment. Instead, concentrate on offering encouragement and supportive feedback.


Continuous erratic moods could lead to a negative impact in your life. Building good connections and a happy environment requires consistency. Be consistent and dependable in your actions by making an effort to do so.


#6 Inconsistent efforts

An key component of wholesome relationships is apologising. If you find it difficult to accept responsibility for your errors, you can be a toxic person.

Kate Kerr

#7 Never apologising

It's critical for one to own up to their mistakes and provide forgiveness when called for.


Ready to take a hard look at yourself and identify any toxic habits? Check out 'Self Help: 7 Signs That You Are a Toxic Person' – simply swipe up to read