
9 Naruto hand signs that are hard to learn

Masashi Kishimoto

There are quite a number of hand signs in the Naruto universe which are precisely connected to the power system.

Power system

Masashi Kishimoto

The series has witnessed Hiruzen Sarutobi using it against Orochimaru and Minato using it to seal the Nine-Tails Yin Chakra.

1. Dead Demon Consuming soul

Masashi Kishimoto

Most people find this quite difficult to grasp as there are six of these hand seals to be done chronologically.

2. Fire Release: Great Fireball technique

Masashi Kishimoto

The clones are physical copies of the same person, which makes it difficult for the opponent to choose one and attack.

3. Clone Technique

Masashi Kishimoto

The user has to do Monkey > Dragon > Rat > Bird > Ox > Snake > Dog > Tiger > Monkey in chronological order to acquire the lightning release.

4. Lightning Release: Chidori

Masashi Kishimoto

This jutsu allows the user to transport anything across long distances instantly, and it is basically a space-time ninjutsu.

5. Summoning Jutsu

Masashi Kishimoto

To acquire this jutsu, the hand seals to perform are Ram > Snake > Tiger in this order.

6. Water Release: Black Rain Tiger

Masashi Kishimoto

The hand seals required are, Tiger > Ox > Dragon > Hare > Dog > Bird > Rat > Clone Seal > Dragon > Ram.

7. Water Release: Water Shark Bullet Technique

Masashi Kishimoto

These include Ram > Clone seal > Dog > Technique specific seal > Rat > Ram > Clone seal > Dog > Technique specific seal > Rat > Ram > Clap hands.

8. Water Release: Four Sharks Rain

Masashi Kishimoto

Byakugan activation can be extremely difficult to learn as it has over 14 hand signs.

9. Byakugan Activation

Masashi Kishimoto

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Masashi Kishimoto