Barbell Basics For Stallone-Worthy Biceps



Get ready to channel your inner Rocky and sculpt your way to bicep greatness!

Channeling your inner Rocky Balboa

Mens Health

Here are 7 barbell bicep exercises to help you carve out Sylvester Stallone-worthy biceps.

Barbell bicep movements

Mens Health

You can't go wrong with standing barbell curls, they are simple and effective in engaging the bicep muscles to build bigger arms and biceps.

Standing barbell biceps curl


The underhand grip barbell bent-over row is a challenging and equally rewarding bicep workout.

Underhand grip barbell bent-over row

Fitness Programmer

The barbell preacher curl works the biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis in addition to your forearm.

Barbell preacher curls

Fitness Programmer

Prone incline curls are specifically designed to build biceps. It isolates the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles for complete development.

Prone incline biceps curls

Fitness Programmer

This variation is a great bicep isolation exercise as it engages and contracts your biceps fully at the top of the movement.

Barbell drag curls

Fitness Programmer

Barbell high pulls target the bicep heads along the entire body for maximum muscle development and rock hard biceps.

Barbell high pulls

Fitness Programmer

Reverse curl targets the biceps brachii and brachialis. They help increase your ability to lift heavy weights and will help you achieve bigger biceps.

Barbell reverse biceps curls

Fitness Programmer

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