
Death Note's Iconic moments

Tsugumi Ohba

Only a few manga and anime series have reached the level of popularity and notoriety as Death Note has.

Death Note

Tsugumi Ohba

Light Yagami, a brilliant and ambitious high school student, discovers the Death Note lying in his school and realises that it actually kills people.

1) The introduction of the Death Note

Tsugumi Ohba

His encounters with Light, from their first meeting to their subsequent dialogues, produce gloomy moments that become a signature of the series.

2) Ryuk's First Appearance

Tsugumi Ohba

He becomes Light's main enemy, and their heated battle of wits becomes the series' core focus.

3) L's entry into the narrative

Tsugumi Ohba

L's death in Death Note is a significant and heartbreaking moment that forever alters the course of the book.

4) The death of L

Tsugumi Ohba

Misa Amane, Light's second Kira, adds an intriguing element of complexity to Death Note's tangled web of connections and betrayals.

5) Light's second Kira

Tsugumi Ohba

His appearance adds a new aspect to the plot as he commands the SPK (Special Provision for Kira), an organization determined to capturing Light.

6) Near's introduction and the rise of the SPK

Tsugumi Ohba

Kiyomi Takada, a former news caster and Kira supporter, becomes an important piece in Light's intricate scheme to achieve his own agenda.

7) Takada Kiyomi's death

Tsugumi Ohba

The final clash between Light and Near is the climax of Death Note's convoluted story.

8) The final confrontation

Tsugumi Ohba

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Tsugumi Ohba