How to go on nether ceiling in Minecraft Java Edition



The following is the list of all materials needed: – Scaffolding – Obsidian – Building blocks – Some torches – Ender Pearls – Ladders

Collect materials



First, players have to get to the Nether realm. Build a Nether Portal or use an existing one to travel to the Nether. Players require at least eight obsidian blocks to build a Nether Portal. After getting into the Nether, look for an upside-down ravine up in the sky. These ravines are closest to the bedrock ceiling.

Go to nether



The next step is to use scaffolding. Players can craft six scaffoldings using six bamboos and a string in Minecraft. Make a scaffolding tower going up towards the Nether ceiling.  After reaching the highest possible place, make a small temporary area for standing. Clear the Netherrack blocks above until the bedrock layer.

Place scaffoldings



This trick only works for the bedrock block, which is at height 127. Players have to mine near Netherrack blocks to find a bedrock block that meets the condition. Press the F3 button to look at the block's coordinates. On the right side of their screen, players can see the block's coordinates in the "targeted block" section.

Find bedrock block at height level 127



Place ladders going towards the bedrock block at height 127. The trick uses Ender Pearls to teleport players above the roof in Minecraft. Remember to carry obsidian blocks, flint, and steel as there is no way to return them besides the Nether Portal.

Climb ladders



Climb the ladder and look towards the corner edge of the bedrock, as shown in the image. Throw the Ender Pearl while pointing at the edge of the block. This pearl glitches and takes the player above the Nether ceiling in Minecraft. It might take a few attempts before working.

Throw ender pearl



After getting on the roof, mark the bedrock block below using a torch. Build a Nether Portal to return to the Overworld in Minecraft.

Make a  portal