How to Play The Finals? The Cashout Game mode explained

The FInals is an upcoming free-to-play multiplayer FPS with massive environmental destruction. While the game is in closed beta, players can play either quick play mode or the tournament mode.

Embark Studios

The Finals’ Cashout lobby consists of four different teams with each team having three players. The basic objective is to gather the most amount of cash before time runs out.

Teams Cashout

Embark Studios

The first objective for the players is to find the cash “vaults”. The locations of the vaults are revealed immediately with the start of a match.

First objective

Embark Studios

After finding a vault, it takes a little time to open it. You need to wait that part out then you can grab the vault with cash.

Get the Vault

Embark Studios

The Finals gives players the ability to take anything with them, The next objective is to grab the vault and deposit it into a nearby ‘Cashout’ station.

Cashout station

Embark Studios

After taking the vault to the cashout station, you need to insert it and defend the area from other players.


Embark Studios

The other players can steal your vault and complete the cashout which will let them be the captors of the cash.


Embark Studios

You need to repeat the same process until your team becomes the team with the most amount of cash and if you have that, you’ll win the match.

Same process repeat

Embark Studios

The Finals is only available to play for PC on Steam right now. However, it will also come to PlayStation and Xbox consoles and the game will be released later this year; swipe up to know more!