5 Most Infamous Pokemon GO Glitches Of All Time

No matter how hard a development team may work, unexpected glitches occur, and they simply have to do their best to address them. This applies to Niantic as well as nearly every other game development group.

Niantic, Inc.

Pokemon GO has pushed onward for almost seven years now, but it has had to overcome its share of technical issues.

Its share of issues

Niantic, Inc.

Numerous bugs have been encountered and reported by the player base, and most of them have been fixed. However, some glitches remain seared in the minds of the player base.

Plenty of bugs and glitches

Niantic, Inc.

With June 2023 dawning on Pokemon GO, it isn't a bad time to review some of the most noteworthy glitches and bugs that have impacted the game throughout its history.

A few of the most noteworthy glitches

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The problem only persisted for a short time and affected a small fraction of fans, but the specter of a floating avatar head whipping around on the world map under its own power was nightmare fuel.

Floating Head on the World Map

Niantic, Inc.

It's unclear what exactly caused the bug in the first place, but it certainly remains one of the most memorable and unexpected issues in the mobile title's tenure.

Unclear what caused the bug

Niantic, Inc.

According to reports, trainers who attempted a catch with their last Premier Ball would find the Pokemon escaping and fleeing immediately.

Last Premier Ball Glitch

Niantic, Inc.

The problem persisted for nearly a month, but the fact that trainers were robbed of plenty of quality Pokemon due to the bug likely upset a sizable amount of the player base.

Persisted for nearly a month

Niantic, Inc.

Swipe up to learn about other most infamous Pokemon GO glitches of all time!