
One for All users in My Hero Academia

Kohei Horikoshi

One for All (OFA) is perhaps the most discussed and most important quirk in My Hero Academia.

Important quirk

Kohei Horikoshi

It is a stockpile quirk, which accumulates strength over time and releases it after some point.

About One for All

Kohei Horikoshi

Yoichi had been a captive of his brother’s until he was rescued by the Second User of One for All.

Yoichi Shigaraki

Kohei Horikoshi

They were leaders of the group of people who rebelled against AFO when he was in his prime.

Second and Third Users

Kohei Horikoshi

Hikage Shinomori had the quirk Danger Sense, which allowed him to sense any danger or mal-intent in his immediate vicinity.

Hikage Shinomori

Kohei Horikoshi

Daigoro Banjo was the real name of pro hero Lariat, who possessed the quirk Blackwhip, arguably the strongest quirk in One for All repertoire.

Daigoro Banjo

Kohei Horikoshi

He possessed the quirk Smokescreen, which allowed him to produce clouds of smoke that could obscure vision.


Kohei Horikoshi

Nana Shimura was a pro hero with the quirk Float, which allowed her to lift herself up into the air and navigate it.

Nana Shimura

Kohei Horikoshi

Toshinori Yagi, or the pro hero All Might, is the User to keep One for All for the longest, holding One for All for 40 years.

Toshinori Yagi

Kohei Horikoshi

Currently, Midoriya can use One for All Full Cowl at 45%, along with the quirks Blackwhip, Smokescreen, Danger Sense, Fa Jin, and Float.

Izuku Midoriya

Kohei Horikoshi

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Kohei Horikoshi