Top 5 things players need to know about shovels in Minecraft


– Diamond shovel has a 6.7% chance of spawning in a generic chest in a Bastion Remnant. – Enchanted Diamond shovel has a 13.3% chance of spawning in an end city chest. – Damaged Enchanted Diamond shovel has a 17% chance of spawning in a hoglin stable chest in a Bastion Remnant. Through these methods, players can acquire some pretty overpowered shovels without having to waste diamonds or XP levels.


Loot Locations


Many players are probably unaware that villagers will throw shovels at players with the Hero of the Village status effect. This effect is granted to any player who defeats a raid. Toolsmith villagers will occasionally throw stone shovels at the player if they have defeated a raid in the same village.


Villager Gift


Each Minecraft shovel has different levels of durability. The various shovels, along with all their durabilities, are listed below: – Wooden Shovel: 59 blocks – Stone Shovel: 131 blocks – Iron Shovel: 250 blocks – Golden Shovel: 32 blocks – Diamond Shovel: 1561 blocks – Netherite Shovel: 2031 blocks




Any shovel has the ability to create a path when used correctly on grass. Players who use (not hit) the shovel on a block of grass will create a path block (seen in the image above). This allows players to easily find their way around an area with a pre-marked path.


Grass Path


Some players may be unaware that they can upgrade their old diamond shovel to a brand new Netherite shovel with only one Netherite ingot. While this upgrade will increase durability, the Netherite shovel does not perform any better than the diamond shovel. Having said that, this upgrade is still worth it as it increases the durability of the shovel by over 500.


Upgrading to Netherite