Why did the NFL fine Josh Allen?

In last week's Sunday Night Football matchup against the Cincinnati Bengals, Josh Allen, the QB for the Buffalo Bills, executed a game-tying touchdown rush.

Josh Allen

While dashing to the endzone, Allen pointed at safety Scott, deemed taunting by league rules. This resulted in an unsportsmanlike penalty, causing the Bills a 15-yard setback on their kickoff.

What happened on the field?

Last Saturday, Allen faced a $10,927 fine, while Bengals guard Volson got about half that for an uncalled helmet-to-helmet hit on safety Micah Hyde.

Travis Kelce criticized the penalties imposed on Josh Allen, deeming them unjust in the recent New Heights podcast episode.

Kelce critical of Allen's penalty for pointing

“One of the weakest taunting calls you’ve ever seen? Probably. I’m not sure if I’ve seen too many of them… I think it’s bogus. I’m on Josh’s team on this. This is bull****."

Travis Kelce said

“Who is struggling right now, is my guy Josh Allen. And he was struggling with this taunting penalty. Man, it’s f***** up, man. You can’t point at a guy? … This is so f****** wack.”

Kelce added

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