WWE Accidents & Disasters

Fireworks and pyros are notable components of a WWE star’s entrance. They are also used to celebrate a champion’s win or momentous occasion in their careers.


There have been a few incidents when there were pyro related accidents that left some talents severely injured while a few walked away and proceeded with their matches.


During his entrance at Elimination Chamber in 2010, The Deadman was hit in the face by a ball of fire. He ran to the ring and proceeded to wrestle with third degree burns.

The Undertaker was almost consumed by fire


At WrestleMania 24, during his victory celebration, the pyros malfunctioned and a hot cable flew into members of the audience leaving 40+ of them injured.

The Undertaker seemed to be a pyro magnet


An attendee filed a lawsuit against WWE for their usage of pyros. They claimed it led to loss of hearing and the jury sought over $1 million in damages.

WWE’s pyro displays at WrestleMania 38


In 2009 on an edition of SmackDown, the pyros went off in Hardy’s face. However, it was part of a storyline and Jeff Hardy did not suffer any injuries.

Jeff Hardy’s accident was staged


At WrestleMania 29, Triple H feuded with Brock Lesnar with mystery burns around his stomach. He later cited it happened when dry ice during his entrance stuck to him resulting in minor burns.

Triple H was burned by dry ice


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