AEW DARK Results: Blackpool Combat Club member lock horns with ex-WWE Superstar, Athena in action, former IMPACT Wrestling star debuts (28 June 2022)

Has the Blackpool Combat Club taken over on AEW DARK?
Has the Blackpool Combat Club taken over on AEW DARK?

AEW DARK set up the stage for the upcoming Blood and Guts episode of Dynamite with a stellar match card. Being the 150th episode of the show, some of the most talented stars were in action last night.

Continue reading as we break down last night's AEW DARK episode and grade each match for your convenience.

AEW DARK Opener: Willow Nightingale vs. Ashley D'Amboise

The two athletes started AEW DARK with some classic lock-ups, where Willow Nightingale was in control. Ashley D'Amboise was later pushed into the corner turnbuckle as Willow secured the upper hand.

D'Amboise then regained momentum briefly with a Leg-Drop Lariat. However, Ashley hit a flipping neckbreaker, picking up a nearfall. Willow later hit back with a pounce, followed by a Cannon Ball Senton in the corner.

In the end, Nightingale hit D'Amboise with a massive Gutwrench Doctor Bomb, picking up the win in AEW DARK's opener.

Winner: Willow Nightingale.

Grade: B, a strong opening bout with the two stars going back-and-forth.

AEW DARK Tag Team Action: The Factory vs. Matt Vandagriff and Knull

Aaron Solo and Matt Vandagriff opened up the AEW DARK bout, with The Factory star quickly gaining the upper hand. Nick Comoroto then entered the bout, using his strength to dominate Vandagriff.

Solo tagged in yet again before Vandagriff hit an explosive Samoan Drop. Knull finally entered the bout and attempted to overpower Comoroto.

Unfortunately for Knull, Nick Comoroto proved to be too powerful, and The Factory member absolutely dominated the star. Comoroto then took down Knull with his devastating finisher, scoring the win for The Factory on AEW DARK.

Winners: The Factory.

Grade: B+, solid bout that made The Factory look better than they have for a long time.

Matt Sydal vs. Jake Something

Jake Something began the bout by using his clear strength advantage over Matt Sydal. However, the veteran quickly worked his way out of the moves, using his kicks to lay Something out.

Jake nearly scored a victory after a devastating forearm blow and hit Sydal with a body block. The larger star then used the ropes to try and choke the veteran out, moving to deliver a handful of devastating knife-edge chops.

Matt Sydal then hit the larger star with a Meteora, picking up a near fall. Unfortunately for the veteran, Something hit a gigantic turn buckle spear, nearly scoring the win.

Sydal then picked up yet another victory on AEW DARK with a Hurricarana-Roll Up out of nowhere.

Winner: Matt Sydal.

Grade: B; the veteran star proved that he still has the guts and grit to go toe-to-toe with a far larger star.

Athena vs. Amber Nova

The two stars began the AEW DARK bout with some lock-ups before Athena used her athleticism to gain the upper hand. The star then delivered a back-breaker, laying Amber Nova out.

The smaller athlete regained momentum by delivering two Northern-Lights Suplexes and wearing The Fallen Goddess with a Sleeper Hold. Athena then used her strength to regain the upper hand, stalling a suplex and a devastating pump-kick.

The Fallen Goddess secured the victory with a painful submission, building up momentum just before AEW Dynamite.

Winner: Athena.

Grade: B+, Athena looks strong going into her feud against Jade Cargill after an entertaining bout.

Dante Martin vs. Lucky Ali

The two stars set off with some intricate lock-ups before Dante Martin gained momentum and wormed his way out of Ali's attempted submission. Ali then tried to use his strength to overpower Martin but was met with some high-flying and powerful kicks.

Ali finally gained the upper hand after using his strength to overpower Dante and lock the high-flying star in a Waist-Lock. The Top Flight star would then unleash an explosive flurry of elbow attacks, topping it off with a high Cross-Body.

Martin then hit his opponent with a suicide dive before ending the bout with a jaw-dropping Nose Dive, scoring the victory.

Winner: Dante Martin.

Grade: C+, Martin continues to impress and deliver entertaining matches

Julia Hart vs. Valentina Rossi

Now fully under the influence of Malakai Black, Julia Hart began the AEW DARK bout using aggression and devious moves to dominate Valentina Rossi. Hart then locked her opponent in a submission, but Rossi managed to reach the ropes.

Julia continued her assault after getting Valentina in the corner turnbuckle, attacking her relentlessly. Hart then locked in an impressive Double Underhook Crossface, resulting in Rossi tapping out and securing the victory for the House of Black member.

Winner: Julia Hart.

Grade: C+, Hart has clearly improved since her days with the Varsity Blonds, now being far more menacing inside the ring.

Fuego Del Sol vs. Marcus Kross

Fuego Del Sol began the bout strongly, initially overpowering Marcus Kross with flips and smart manuvres during the lock-up.

Fuego momentarily lost momentum and was hit with a number of delibirating kicks by Marcus.The Luchador regained the upperhand with a vicious corner trapped Dragon Sleeper.

Del Sol then hit Kross with a dynamic Tornado DDT, which transitioned into his signature submission. Kross quickly tapped out, resulting in a submission victory for the Luchador on AEW DARK.

Winner: Fuego Del Sol.

Grade: B+, Del Sol seems to be coming out of his all-hero persona employing some more vicious attacks, leading to an entertaining match.

AEW DARK Tag Team Action: The Wingmen vs. The Dark Order

Ryan Nemeth and #10 opened the AEW DARK bout, and the Dark Order star quickly began dominating the Hollywood Hunk. The Dark Order continued their assault of Nemeth, as both stars took turns to wear out their opponent.

Ryan finally gained the upperhand with a Drop Kick, and then tag JD Drake into the bout and dominate Evil Uno. The Wingmen then continued, and displayed some tag-team offense.

Later in the bout, Drake would hit an impressive Moonsault, before Pres10 Vance stopped the tag attempt and enter the bout. After a double-team move, Pres10 Vance hit Nemeth with a massive Discus Clothesline, picking up the victory for The Dark Order.

The Wingmen weren't happy with the loss, and attacked the stars after the bell rang. John Silver and Alex Reynolds would luckily come to the rescue, preserving their momentum.

Winners: The Dark Order.

Grade: B, a decent tag team bout by the two most featured AEW DARK factions.

Ariya Daivari vs. Caleb Konley

Former WWE Superstar, Ariya Daivari returned to AEW DARK and took on the debuting former IMPACT Wrestling star, Caleb Konley. Daivari began the bout strong but would quickly realized that Konley isn't a push over.

Ariya later locked Caleb into a sleeper hold, that the star struggled to escape from. However, a Big Boot from the former IMPACT star put momentum in his favor, and he later unleashed a flurry of combo slams. Daivari regained momentum with a jumping Neckbreaker before attempting a high-flying move that failed to hit.

Konley then hit the former WWE Superstar with a powerful sitting Powerbomb, nearly picking up the win. Unfortunately for the star, Daivari then threw him into the corner and hit Konley with a massive Frog Splash, capturing the win.

Winner: Ariya Daivari.

Grade: A, a surprisingly good bout between the two stars that managed to make both look impressive.

AEW DARK Main Event: Wheeler Yuta (c) vs. Tony Nese for the ROH PURE Championship

Tony Nese began the bout strongly with a taunt before the champion quickly flipped him into a submission. However, The Premier Athlete ESCAPED and executed a sequence of submissions and lock-ups.

Nese then sneaked in a closed fist punch, flooring Wheeler Yuta. The star then attacked the champion with his elbows and locked him into a Single-Leg Boston Crab, forcing him to grab the ropes. The Premier Athlete continued his assault, dominating the champion with several submissions.

Nese later hit the champion with a Pump-Handle Sit-Down Piledriver and transitioned into a full Boston Crab. Yuta escaped the submission and hit a devastating kick before an attempted 450 Splash.

Wheeler then avoided the high-flying move and quickly transitioned into a series of moves. The champion then locked Nese in an STF, causing the Premier Athlete to tap out, resulting in a win for the Blackpool Combat Club star.

Unfortunately, before the star could walk away from AEW DARK with his victory, Daniel Garcia, Angelo Parker, and Matt Menard of the Jericho Appreciation Society attacked the champion.

Winner: Wheeler Yuta.

Grade: A, the two stars put on quite a bout making it the most memorable match of the night. The post-match attack also bridged the gap between AEW DARK and Dynamite.

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