AEW Dynamite Results (November 18th, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

Former WWE Superstar Hornswoggle briefly appeared on AEW Dynamite
Former WWE Superstar Hornswoggle briefly appeared on AEW Dynamite

This week's episode of AEW Dynamite saw the NWA Women's Championship on the line as Serena Deeb defended against Thunder Rosa. The show also had Cody and Darby Allin teaming up to take on Ricky Starks and Brian Cage in the main event.

AEW Dynamite also saw PAC returning to action after eight months as well as a huge heel turn following tonight's main event. Read on for full AEW Dynamite results.

Team Top Flight vs The Young Bucks kicked off AEW Dynamite (Non-title match)

Darius started the match off against Nick Jackson. Jackson went to hit an armdrag but Darius landed on his feet and tagged in his brother Daunte Martin. Matt Jackson also tagged in on the other corner and he was hit by stereo kicks from Team Top Flight. Nick was then booted off the apron.

Back in the ring, Nick tagged in again and went after Daunte Martin. The Bucks hit him with a Dropkick/Bulldog combo. Matt Jackson tagged in and locked in a Sharpshooter, forcing Darius Martin to come in and break it up. Nick took out Darius and his brother was then powerbombed onto him.

Darius tagged in and took Matt Jackson down with a clothesline, following it up with a standing Spanish Fly. With both Bucks out at ringside, Team Top Flight hit a suicide dive followed by a tope con hilo.

The finish saw Daunte Martin get a roll up on Matt Jackson. However, he ended up eating a BTE trigger before being pinned.

The Young Bucks def. Team Top Flight


An excellent AEW Dynamite debut from Team Top Flight. These guys can be the future of the AEW Tag Team Divison.

The Inner Circle in Vegas (Part 1)

Next up, fans got a video package of the Inner Circle hanging out in Las Vegas. We saw the Inner Circle members playing Blackjack before heading to a bar. We saw WCW legend Konnan briefly show up during this segment.

Jon Moxley sends a message to Kenny Omega on AEW Dynamite

AEW World Champion Jon Moxley cut a promo ahead of the contract signing with Kenny Omega. During the promo, fans learned that Renee Paquette is pregnant with the couple's first child.

Orange Cassidy vs Kip Sabian

Orange Cassidy made a great start to the match, taking Kip Sabian down with a side headlock. Sabian and Orange Cassidy went back and forth before Kip took him down with an armdrag. Kip then tried to hit a drop toehold but Cassidy avoided it and went to hit one of his patented dropkicks with his hands in his pocket. Orange Cassidy missed the first one but connected with a second dropkick.

Orange Cassidy then hit a top suicida out to ringside before rolling Sabian back into the ring. Penelope Ford momentarily distracted Orange Cassidy. This gave Sabian the opening he needed and he caught Cassidy with a boot to the head as we cut to commercial.

Back from the break, Orange Cassidy hit his patented tornado DDT. He went to follow it up with a diving DDT from the top rope but Sabian blocked it. Orange Cassidy then sent Sabian face-first into the turnbuckle a number of times before hitting the diving DDT successfully. Sabian hit back with a stun gun against the top rope and followed it with a brainbuster and a PK. That wasn't enough to keep Orange Cassidy down.

The finish saw Orange Cassidy use the Mousetrap pinning combination to pick up the win.

Orange Cassidy def. Kip Sabian


Miro, who was on commentary, ran into the ring and wiped out Orange Cassidy with a thundering clothesline before Best Friends ran him and chased him off.

AEW Dynamite contract signing between Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley

Kenny Omega came out for the contract signing first. When it was Jon Moxley's turn to come out, no one showed up. We then cut to the back where we saw that the AEW World Champion had been laid out and was being attended to by medical staff.

Even without Jon Moxley out in the ring, Kenny Omega signed his contract.

The Inner Circle in Vegas (Part 2)

AEW Dynamite saw the Inner Circle members pretty hammered and hanging out on a rooftop with "Elvis". MJF then said that he had to get something off his chest. He said that he always considered himself to be a lone wolf but added that he had found his wolf pack in the Inner Circle.

AEW Dynamite then cut to Chris Jericho in his hotel room where he seemingly woke up next to the Elvis impersonator. Fans saw MJF waking up in a bathtub. They then showed Sammy waking up in a fountain as Ortiz worked out behind him. Santana for his part was feeding some chickens. Fans then saw former WWE Superstar Hornswoggle making a brief appearance before the segment ended.

PAC vs The Blade on AEW Dynamite

AEW Dynamite had Eddie Kingston on commentary for this match.

PAC was in a nasty mood as always, taking the upper hand quickly. The match spilled out to ringside quickly as PAC tossed The Blade into the barricade. Back in the ring, PAC headed to the top rope and hit a Shotgun Dropkick before immediately bouncing back on his feet.

PAC ran out to ringside and got in The Butcher's face. The blade used this opening and hit PAC with a sliding dropkick. The match headed back into the ring as The Blade tossed PAC onto the top rope. PAC hit back with a DDT before following it up with a series of kicks to the midsection.

The Bunny tried to interfere from ringside by grabbing PAC's foot. Butcher took out PAC from behind when he went out to ringside, before tossing him back inside. The Blade was in control of the match at this point.

Both men traded strikes in the ring before PAC caught The Blade with a thrust kick. The Blade immediately hit back with a powerslam for a nearfall. PAC then hit a Superplex from the top rope but once again it was just a nearfall.

PAC headed to the top rope for the Black Arrow but The Bunny created the distraction. Butcher tried to get involved but ate a Superkick for his troubles. PAC then hit the Black Arrow before locking in the Brutalizer for the win.

PAC def. The Blade


PAC took a mic and went to address Eddie Kingston who was on commentary. The Butcher jumped PAC from behind. Fenix tried to come out to help PAC but got laid out. Penta then came out with a steel chair and drove Kingston, Butcher and Blade away. It looks like Death Triangle are back.

We briefly cut backstage where we saw Jade stomping Brandi Rhodes' arm, which was caught in a steel chair.

Serena Deeb (c) vs Thunder Rosa (for the NWA Women's Championship) on AEW Dynamite

Thunder Rosa made a fantastic start to the match, trapping Serena Deeb in a couple of punishing holds. Deeb was back on her feet and took Thunder Rosa down with an armdrag. Rosa had a clear gameplan early on and locked in another side headlock. She followed it up with a running Senton but only got a 2-count.

Serena Deeb charged at Thunder Rosa who hit a drop toehold, sending Deeb crashing into the middle rope. Deeb hit back with a Dragon Screw against the middle rope as we headed to commercial.

During the break, Serena Deeb drove her boot into Rosa's face before following it up with a sliding elbow strike. Rosa replied with a running clothesline of her own.

The Champion locked in a Figure-4-Leglock but Thunder Rosa managed to roll over to the bottom rope. Deeb hit Thunder Rosa with a neckbreaker against the middle rope before hitting a Spear on the apron. Rosa then hit Deeb with a missile dropkick, sending her rolling out of the ring.

As Reeva/Rebel had the referee distracted, Dr. Britt Baker came out and hit Thunder Rosa with a neckbreaker on the entrance ramp. Deeb got back into the ring and hit a powerbomb but it wasn't enough to put Thunder Rosa away. Deeb locked in a submission hold but Thunder Rosa hit a double stomp.

Deeb then hit a modified facebuster to finally pin Thunder Rosa to pick up the win.

Serena Deeb def. Thunder Rosa


Thunder Rosa was not happy with Dr. Britt Baker's involvement and attacked her at ringside. Referees had to come out and separate them.

Cody Rhodes and Darby Allin vs Ricky Starks and Brian Cage in the main event of AEW Dynamite

Darby Allin and Ricky Starks started the AEW Dynamite main event for their respective teams. Allin locked in a hammerlock early, forcing Ricky Starks to go for the ropes. Starks slapped Darby across the face, who just slapped him back. Both Cody and Brian Cage tagged in. The Machine caught Cody with an armdrag into a backbreaker before he was taken down with a dropkick.

Cody then heard to the top rope and took Cage down with a moonsault. Allin tagged in as Cody hit Cage with a Disaster Kick. Darby followed it up with a springboard back elbow. Both Cody and Darby were working well at this point, trading tags.

Cody tagged back in and Taz grabbed his foot from ringside for a momentary distraction. Cage took advantage and took Cody down. He followed it up with a powerbomb out at ringside. Team Taz were in full control at this stage as Cage locked in a headlock.

Cody headed to the top rope but Cage caught him in midair. He went to make the tag but Ricky Starks took out Darby Allin at ringside. Cage tagged out and Starks came in as the legal man.

Darby Allin also tagged in and briefly cleared house as things broke down. Cody took out Cage with a Disaster Kick before Ricky Starks cut him down with a Spear.

Brian Cage hit Darby Allin with a Drill Claw from the top rope and it was enough to put the TNT Champion away.

Brian Cage and Ricky Starks def. Darby Allin and Cody

Grade - B+

Brian Cage and Ricky Starks continued the beatdown after the match but Will Hobbs came out, sending them scampering. Hobbs then picked up the FTW title belt and it looked like he was sending a message to Brian Cage. Instead, he took out Cody with the title belt and it looks like Team Taz have found their latest member.

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