AEW Rampage Results: Jeff and Matt Hardy confront former WWE star; Shane "Swerve" Strickland registers win in debut match (11th March 2022)

AEW Rampage was an entertaining show
AEW Rampage was an entertaining show

This week's AEW Rampage featured the much-anticipated in-ring debut of the company's latest signing, Shane "Swerve" Strickland. He squared off against Tony Nese on the Saturday night show. Apart from that, stars like Darby Allin, Keith Lee, and Mercedes Martinez would also compete during the episode.

AEW Rampage Results (11th March 2022): Darby Allin vs. Marq Quen on AEW Rampage

Both performers were already in the ring when the show began. Allin took control of the match early on after applying a side headlock. Quen countered it by applying a hammerlock. The action soon spilled to the outside, where Quen pushed Allin into the steel steps to gain an advantage.

Back in the ring, the Private Party member was firmly in control of the bout. Marq Quen consistently targeted Darby Allin's mid-section, leaving the former TNT Champion in incredible pain. Despite attempts to find his way back into the match, Allin struggled to get the better of his opponent.

Back from the break, Darby Allin hit a stunning superplex on Quen from the top rope and followed it up by applying a Fujiwara armbar. Moments later, Marq Quen executed a backflipping DDP for a two count. The former TNT Champion retaliated by hitting a Scorpion Death Drop on his opponent. Isiah Kassidy, who tried to distract Allin on the outside, was taken out by Sting.

However, this was enough for Quen to capitalize and hit a 450 Splash on Allin on the outside. The Private Party member wisely rolled back into the ring, but Darby Allin managed to break the count by entering the ring just in time. Countering a Shooting Star Press attempt, Allin applied the Fujiwara armbar on Marq Quen for the win on AEW Rampage.

Darby Allin defeated Marq Quen

Grade: B+

After the match on AEW Rampage, Andrade El Idolo, accompanied by his assistant, Jose, and the Butcher and Blade, walked out to confront Allin and Sting. However, just then, the Hardy Boyz made their way out to silently express their support for the veteran and his prodigy.

In a backstage segment, TNT Champion Scorpio Sky sent a warning to Wardlow ahead of their title match at next week's AEW Dynamite.

Jamie Hayter vs. Mercedes Martinez on AEW Rampage

The match on AEW Rampage began with Hayter and Martinez going back and forth, trying to take each other down. Martinez finally found an opening when she laid down Hayter with a clothesline and followed it by hitting a series of chops.

During the commercial break, Jamie Hayter gained control of the bout, methodically wearing down the former NXT star. Mercedes Martinez regained control of the match by hitting a couple of suplexes, but Hayter quickly retaliated by taking down her opponent with a backbreaker.

Both performers went to the top rope, from where Martinez hit a German suplex. However, taking advantage of a distracted referee, AEW Women's Champion Britt Baker attacked Martinez, allowing Hayter to hit a lariat for the win.

Jamie Hayter defeated Mercedes Martinez

Grade: B

After the match, Baker and Rebel joined Hayter in the ring to attack Martinez. However, Thunder Rosa came out just in time with a steel chair to even the odds.

Keith Lee vs. QT Marshall on AEW Rampage

This match stemmed from Keith Lee rejecting Marshall's offer to join The Factory on this week's AEW Dynamite. The Limitless One hit a brutal headbutt on QT Marshall and then began manhandling the veteran performer. The former NXT Champion was then taken down by Marshall with a splash, but he kicked out at just one.

Some timely interference from Nick Comoroto allowed Marshall to get into the position to hit a cutter on Lee. However, Keith Lee countered it and hit a Big Bang Catastrophe for the win on AEW Rampage.

Keith Lee defeated QT Marshall

Grade: C

After the match, Lee and Comoroto came face-to-face, with the former dropping The Factory member with a powerbomb. Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs ran into the ring to attack Lee. Hobbs stunned fans by executing a picture-perfect spinebuster on The Limitless One.

Shane Strickland made his debut on AEW Rampage vs. Tony Nese

The main event of AEW Rampage began with Shane Strickland quickly gaining an advantage in the match with some quick reversals. The action spills to the outside, where Strickland continues to dominate Tony Nese.

During the commercial break, Nese found an opening in the match, laying down his opponent with multiple punches and wearing Strickland down. Back from the break, Strickland finally fought back, but the Premier Athlete took him down again.

However, a missed moonsault attempt by Nese allowed Strickland to find his way back into the match. The former SmackDown Superstar hit an uppercut followed by a Brainbuster on Nese to turn the tide in his favor. Moments later, Tony Nese executed a 450 Splash, but Strickland kicked out.

Shane Strickland hit a foot stomp and a knee for a close count. However, Swerve quickly took to the top rope, from where he delivered another stomp to register his first victory in AEW.

Shane Strickland defeated Tony Nese

Grade: A

This was another good episode of AEW Rampage, packed with decent-to-good matches from top-to-bottom. Though light on storyline developments, the show was an easy watch

Grade: B

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