Leaked Zombie videos were removed by Activision

Zombies are all but confirmed in COD Advanced Warfare

Few days before some leaked videos surfaced in the internet confirming the presence of Zombies in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. It may be possible that a Zombie invasion for the upcoming shooter is in development and whether it’s a full playable mode in itself, or an unlockable extra for the Exo-Survivor Mode is still unknown.

Rumours have been that Zombies are going to be part of the game, but the leaked videos sure confirmed it one hundred percent. The zombies as shown in the video were outfitted with Exo-suits and have the ability to leap and move around very quickly. However, Activision have now removed the leaked videos form the sites like YouTube. Sledgehammer Games developer Glen Schofield confirmed about this leaked videos in twitter by replying,

This however makes us think whether the game developers have included a fourth mode in Call of Duty which will be unlocked on Day Zero? Or Is it a sign of new DLC to be released? Or this is just a single wave of zombies as a reward? We will have to wait and see as the game is slated for release this coming Sunday.