Preseason patch of League of Legend boasts "Strategic Diversity"


A huge number of changes are made in the patch update 4.20 of League of Legend. This will be the first update of the 2015 preseason and is also one of the biggest update ever seen in the Riot's popular free MOBA. To improve the gameplay and keep the players hooked to the game, Riot has focused all it’s attention on what they are calling the “Strategic Diversity”, which attempts to widen the tactical options of the player and encourages to explore new areas. When asked about their work in their latest update, here is what the studio replied,

"This year, rather than trying to 'fix' tactical problems from the previous season, we're instead introducing a metric tonne of changes to map-wide objectives, a complete rehaul of the jungle and jungle itemization, and a number of strategic item additions / modifications,"


Apart from this, the studio also provides a “high level overview” of the updates that are going to feature in the game. The blogs mentioned below dive deeper and tells more about the updates:

  1. Increasing Strategic Diversity
  2. Forging a Diverse Armory
  3. A New Jungle
  4. Diversifying Objectives

To read the full patch notes, you can click here.