"I was so pissed": Twitch streamer goes off at Nintendo for making his daughter cry by discontinuing online service

Twitch streamer vents about Animal Crossing New Leaf (Image via Jeff Gerstman/Instagram, animalcrossing.nintendo.com)
Twitch streamer vents about Animal Crossing New Leaf (Image via Jeff Gerstman/Instagram, animalcrossing.nintendo.com)

Jeff Gerstmann, who streams on Twitch under the alias jeffgerstmann, recently called out Nintendo after the company inadvertently made his three-year-old daughter cry by discontinuing online service for an older game.

It appears that Gerstmann's toddler is very attached to Animal Crossing New Leaf, which suffered a loss of multiplayer features after 3DS Online was taken offline a few days ago.

Gerstmann revealed how his daughter cried over the fact that she could not use the 'Dream' feature and visit other worlds. He claimed that she was crying hours after he initially explained it to her:

"At 7 o'clock or so, she starts crying, like a lot... So I go up there. This is now hours later, and I am like, 'What's wrong?' I am thinking she has to go to the bathroom. Maybe she has to do, but she is like, 'I just remembered about the dreams again.'"

The streamer then explained that he was furious at Nintendo for discontinuing service because of how difficult it was to see his daughter crying over it:

"I was so pissed at f*cking Nintendo in that moment. And I still am, I still am f*ckign furious."

Twitch streamer Jeff Gerstmann says his daughter started crying after Nintendo discontinued 3DS Online features for Animal Crossing New Leaf

Animal Crossing New Leaf is a 2012 game released on Nintendo 3DS. Recently, online support for the console was taken down due to low usage. The decision means players will not be able to access the multiplayer features in titles, including accessing other players' worlds.

In a recent livestream, Jeff Gerstmann talked about the time his daughter found out that the Dream feature on Animal Crossing New Leaf, which lets players go to other people's worlds, had been discontinued:

"She goes, 'What's this?' And she brings it over to me and I look at it. On the top screen is the dream building she is trying to lay down on the bed to go into a dream(visiting other player worlds). On the bottom screen, there is a message that says this service has been concluded and thank you for your your understand or whatever."

Gerstmann went on to note how difficult it was for him to explain the situation to the three-year-old. He revealed that when he told her about the Dream feature not working anymore, she started crying:

"I am like f*ck, now I have to explain dreams don't work. So basically, I told her she was not going to be able to do that anymore and she burst into f*cking tears. And I am like, goddamn sh*t! F**king Nintendo, you motherf***ers."

Users looking to access multiplayer canupgrade to the latest title in the series, Animal Crossing New Horizons, which is on the Nintendo Switch. However, it is clear that the toddler was attached to the older game, which put Gerstmann in quite a predicament.

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