Avatar: Warrior's Journey now on iOS and Android

New Avatar game for iOS and Android

The new Avatar: Warrior’s Journey, a long-time runner for iOS and Android is now set for action and the waiting fans can get their hands on it this spring or autumn for AJ and NZ.

The official Facebook page that offers many hints on the game states that players can take the role of a young Na’vi as they “run, dodge, and ride your way through the stunning world of James Cameron’s Avatar.” To ride here means that the player will be able to ride the aerial predators called the Mountain Banshees (aka ikran) or the horse-like Direhorses (aka pa'lare).

Players will also be able to gain abilities, outfits, and “ultimately your own place amongst the clans” as their skill develops. This sound interesting, compared to those games where the only thing, that the players have to do, is run, jump and dodge.

The Avatar: Warriors Journey is the first official Avatar mobile in five years now, after the Gameloft Avatar HD game that was released in conjunction with the first film. The gameplay details and the pricing models are still unknown. Avatar HD was priced at USD 4,99, a hint towards what the next pricing models might be.