Square Enix introduces new female character in Final Fantasy XV

Square Enix Teases new Female Character in Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XV.

Most recently Square Enix had released the “English Trailer” for their upcoming game Final Fantasy XV (to view the trailer click here) and now to keep the momentum going a new update about the game has been released possibly teasing a new Female Character in the game series.

The developers had got a lot of criticism from fans who did not appreciate the lack of female characters is the game commenting that the main party that Noctis will travel with are all male characters and it seems like if they are part of a boy-band. The only female character that has been officially acknowledged in Final Fantasy XV has been Luna. She has been seen in some trailers for the game as being a blonde girl.

Players are excited with the release of a new character

In the latest scan from Jump magazine (via Attackofthefanboy), another female character has now been revealed in Final Fantasy XV. Some people have suggested she could be a female version of Cid.

The character of “Cid” has appeared in every Final Fantasy game, but as a different person. This could be one of the first in the series to introduce a female version of the character. Not much has been revealed by Square Enix in this regard we hope get more inside scoop on the game soon.