Capoeira: Fight away the flab with a fling


Capoeira is the new recreational craze! Let’s try to find out how it’s more than just a way to stay in shape.

A Brazilian fighting style, Capoeira calls for a great workout that combines both mental and physical fitness. Let’s dig into this kick-ass (literally!) workout.

Is this really for you?

Does barefoot jumping, kicking, doing hand-stands, and more, really seem complicated and intimidating? Then, better cut the crap! Do whatever you can and sit out the rest if you like! And still see the difference …. Not in your grimaces, but rather in it’s aftermath effects!

Music, Dance… Kick!

Capoeira is a martial art, disguised as a dance. When the African slaves were taken to Brazil, they weren’t allowed to practice their martial art. So they disguised it as a ritual dance with music and continued to practice it. So, capoeira is essentially a dance of freedom and expression of your individuality through the beats. Moreover, capoeira is also a philosophy and a way of life. It is played in a circle and you always play with a partner. The way you play your game, is the way you live your life.

For instance, you may be really calm and collected in your daily life, but if you get really excited and aggressive in your game, that’s who you really are. People tend to cover up who they are inside, capoeira unveils that mystery behind you. What you do otherwise doesn’t matter, what matters is who you are in the circle and how you play your game. The circle you play your game in is a sign of unity and you need to be one with the group and pay attention. If one person isn’t clapping or singing, with the group, the link is broken.

Fighting Fit

As a workout, capoeira works almost all body parts and works with your own body weight. There is a lot of lunging and kicking, so the legs and glutes get a mean workout. Your upper body is also worked on as you swing your arms, do the various handstands and combat stances. Your back and stomach get toned naturally with the various movements.

Clearly, capoeria is more than just a weekly workout, it’s a way of life!


A person who follows the capoeira way of life is called a capoeiraista. And the capoeira way of life is to go with the flow of the universe. To go against it is to get hurt. Capoeira teaches one to face the circumstances with a smile and fall gracefully, so it is easier to get up and carry on. According to capoeira philosophy, you are part of a whole and there are no failures, you learn from your mistakes.


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