30 Fps more preferable - Assassin’s Creed Unity Developers

Assassin’s Creed Unity has been a subject of a lot of highs and lows lately, with the developers initially speaking out about how the modern consoles are limiting the game’s capabilities followed by an announcement regarding the absence of the game from the Wii U. There were talks regarding parity between the consoles forcing the game down to 900p. Moreover, there was a lot of discussion when it was revaled that the game might be limited to 30 fps only. However, as per the developers, 30 fps might just be the most preferable option, being the “new industry standard.”

In an interview with TechRadar, Nicolas Guerin, the World Leven Design Director for Assassin’s Creed Unity explained the reasons fot the same :

“At Ubisoft for a long time we wanted to push 60 fps. I don’t think it was a good idea because you don’t gain that much from 60 fps and it doesn’t look like the real thing. It’s a bit like The Hobbit movie, it looked really weird.

“And in other games it’s the same – like the Rachet and Clank series [where it was dropped]. So I think collectively in the video game industry we’re dropping that standard because it’s hard to achieve, it’s twice as hard as 30fps, and its not really that great in terms of rendering quality of the picture and the image.”

The interview also featured some interesting commentary from Creative Director Alex Amancio, who explained how 30 fps was more suited to this type of genre.

“30 was our goal, it feels more cinematic. 60 is really good for a shooter, action adventure not so much. It actually feels better for people when it’s at that 30fps. It also lets us push the limits of everything to the maximum.

“It’s like when people start asking about resolution. Is it the number of the quality of the pixels that you want? If the game looks gorgeous, who cares about the number?”

Assassin’s Creed Unity is set to release for Xbox One and PS4 on November 11, 2014.