Final Fantasy XV will receive its first playable demo next March, it has been revealed.

A still from the game

In an article published prematurely on Game Informer, it was confirmed that the Final Fantasy Type-0 HD remake will ship with a demo for Final Fantasy XV. Customers on both Xbox One and PS4 will receive a download code for the demo, although Square Enix is yet to confirm whether it will be accessible at launch.

The publisher has termed this demo as "Episode Duscae" and stated that it will focus mainly of early part of the game and development team has made some progression change just to make it more suitable for demo experience.

Originally released in 2011, Final Fantasy Type-0 HD takes place in the "dynamic and turbulent" world of Orience and revolves around the war between the kingdoms of Lucis and Niflheim.

The main character, named Noctis Lucis Caelum, is the heir to the throne of Lucis, and has the ability to sense the death of those around him.

Final Fantasy XV was originally titled Final Fantasy Versus XIII and it was unveiled in 2006 at Sony's E3 conference. The game didn't start full production until in 2011. It received a name change at E3 last year and was retitled to Final Fantasy XV.

The action and pace will be similar to what is found in Kingdom Hearts but united with new mechanics. Battles will be seamless and transition will have no load times. Battles will take place in real-time environments using all regions of the field, from up high buildings to down low streets. Nomura has said battles take place in areas with great differences in height, and players will have to fight using the full environment. This means fighting what's both in front of the player and above and below (vertical battles). Players can climb onto large enemies to reach their weak points, and to take down specific parts.
