GTA V - Digital pre-order exclusives announced

Apart from the major update news, GTA V will be releasing on next generation consoles real soon and it also appears that if fans preorder this game digitally on PlayStation 4 then they will harness some extras as well.

Rockstar announced that it will be giving $1,000,000 in GTA cash that is spread across GTA V and Grand Theft Auto: Online spread at 500k per piece. Now, it has been stated that there will be more cash coming your way if you just pre-order it on the PlayStation 4’s digital store and to add on to it gamers who preorder the game before November 3rd will be gaining an additional $300,000 to use in GTA: Online.

Players will also be able to preload the game like in the other digital titles so when the game unlocks they will be able to play it with everyone else.

Note- Do not forget that you will be able to transfer your GTA: Online persona from PS3 or Xbox 360 to the next generation consoles as well.

If you want more then you can also pair a deal with the ongoing October Promotion by spending $100 in cash to get an additional $15 back on your PlayStation wallet. If you think you are smart enough then you will make the right choice.

Grand Theft Auto V is set to release on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on November 18th.
