Hyrule Warriors give bonus item to Season pass buyers

hyrule warriors season pass

After the game's release in Japan and its following updates, Nintendo has revealed that gamers will get a bonus Dark Link costume for free if they purchase all of the four packs of DLC for Hyrule Warriors with a $20 season pass. In Hyrule Warriors, Link must fight the sorcerer Gia and her army of monsters, aided by allies from other games in the series, such as Darunia from Ocarina of Time and Fi from Skyward Sword. Gamers can pick from any of these heroes and make use of their distinctive abilities. The game was co-developed by Dynasty Warriors studio Omega Force and Ninja Gaiden devs Team Ninja, and while it's still a Zelda game, there's a greater emphasis on combat.

hyrule warriros dark link
The Dark Link Costume

Assuming the DLC packs will be same as those announced for Japan, we know that three of them will be based on previous Zelda games, while the fourth one will introduce two new game modes:

  • Master Quest Pack: New weapon, scenario, adventure map, and two costumes
  • Twilight Princess Pack: New character, weapon, adventure map, and two costumes
  • Majora's Mask Pack: Two new characters, adventure map, and three costumes
  • Boss Pack: Two new games modes

In addition to the free, day one content update, Nintendo also announced another free DLC for October 16, which will allow you to play as villains as the DLC adds four of the game's villains as playable characters.