'Oracle' expected to return in DOTA 2

oracle dota 2

The last news we heard on the Dota 2 front was the release of the patch the enchanced the existing game( to know more click here ) well here is the latest scoop new Dota 2 event called the Foreseer’s Contract suggests that the Dota 1-exclusive hero Oracle will be back in action.This revelation was hinted in Valve’s Dota 2 blog when an interactive comic "The Contract," (short story about Mortred the Phantom Assassin an existing exclusive hero in the Dota 2 scenario) contained text that hinted the re-entry of Oracle. the text was as follows:"A mysterious figure, a ruthless assassin, and an infinite number of possibilities. The Foreseer's Contract is coming soon... Come back next week to learn more."

Oracle was an exquisite character of the Dota 1 series whose powers circled around the virtues of fortune, fate and destiny. Also based on a poll by the Dota 2 players, Phantom Assassin was voted as the character to be granted rare "Arcana" cosmetic item thus her appearance in the comic indicates that her new set must be on the way.