Review: Assassin's Creed: Rogue

review assassin's creed rogue

Nobody liked history in their schools. But the Assassin’s Creed series is known for taking the important points of history and turning it into a full-on enteratinment package and deliver it to the people because this is what the fans want and expect. And a moment like this has never come before, two Assassin’s Creed games releasing in the same week! It’s like early christmas present for everyone. Assassin's Creed Rogue is a historical action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft Sofia and published by Ubisoft. It was released in North America on November 11, 2014, and is set to be released in Europe and Australia on November 13, 2014, for thePlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The game serves as a direct sequel to Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag and contains links to Assassin’s Creed 3 and Assassin’s Creed: Unity.


The main story is set in the mid-18th century during the French and Indian War, and follows Shay Patrick Cormac, an Assassin-turned-Templar. During the course of the war, Shay starts getting irritated and annoyed by the way of the Assassin Brotherhood. Eventually events in his journey turn to betrayal, abandonment, and a quest for revenge. This then turns the story into one told from the Templar’s perspective. If this game would have released when I was still in my school, i’m sure I’d scaore full marks in history. Rogue has once again managed to capture everyone’s imagination and just as Assassin’s Creed III hooked me in and lead me to research the American Revolution, Assassin’s Creed: Rogue has got me pouring through history once more. In the mean time, you get to visit many beautiful places like Appalachian River Valley, New York, Quebec, and Lisbon, and various places in between.


Gameplay in Rogue will be similar to that of Black Flag with a mixture of ship-based naval and land-based exploration. This game might have the finest combat finest combat system in the series till date [can’t say anything about Unity right now]. Being able to parkour through various environments ranging from jungles, villages, and caves remains silky smooth. As a Templar you’re gifted with a slight advantage over the Assassin’s, the people who were once you’re allies but are now you’re sworn enemies. Upgrades are plentiful and seeing as you now rub shoulders with the Templar crowd you’re afforded more in the way of weaponary and upgrades, the Templars really do have the best toys. Upgrading your vessel and kitting it out with the baddest cannons blood-money can buy is still as engaging as it was back in Black Flag, it’s just that you’re now doing it all under the guise of a Templar.

The story gets it adrenaline boost when Shay switches sides from being an Assassin to becoming a Templar. But the gameplay almost remains the same. Sailing the seas is still just as fun with combat getting a kick up the bum thanks to some new tactical options to consider. Rogue adds some tactics to the combat with floating islands providing cover from enemy fire. It’s not a huge addition but it does make the buccaneering exploits a little more challenging and induces some brain activity, rather than have you simply fire off shots against opponents.

After playing other games of the same series on Xbox One, movin back to 360 seems a little weird but still the graphics look neat in 360 too. The world has a wide range of environments that spare no detail. Lush forests, winter environments, and large cities still look and work great.

Final Verdict:

The story of the game acts a link to many games of the series. You get to meet Haytham Kenway, Achilles (like we mentioned earlier) Davenport, Ratonhnhaké:ton's mentor from Assassin’s Creed 3 and Adéwalé, Edward Kenway's quartermaster in Black Flag. The fun remains the same. Finding all secret and covert way to kill your target and then vanishing in the crowd, the feeling of Assassin’s Creed is there in the game. But the most important element is that now you are a Templar and you are viewing the world by putting yourslef in their shoes. The people who were your friends once now desire to kill you. So that’s the feature that you don’t wanna miss.

My verdict? Go ahead. It’s fun being a Templar too!