League of Legends: 3 Best Featured League of Legends Game Modes

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3) Hunt of the blood moon:

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property of LeagueofLegends/Riot games

This game mode is a dream for assassins. The fast-paced bloodfest style game mode is well suited for players who like skirmishes.

The game mode takes place on the classic Summoners Rift map but the map is adjusted to Assasins theme. It's a 5v5 battle but with a restricted champ pool(only assassins). The champions available for game mode are-

Ahri, Akali, Camille, Diana, Ekko, Elise, Evelyn, Fizz, Kassadin, Katarina, Kennen, Kha'Zix, Leblanc, Lee Sin, Pantheon, Rengar, Shaco, Talon, Yasuo, and Zed.

The main objective of the game is to accumulate 350 points. The team which succeeds in getting the mark first wins the game. Teams can get points by three separate ways, which are-

* Killing Enemy champions(Grants 5 points)

* Killing Enemy spirits(Grants 3 points)

* Killing Demons Herald(Grants 30 points)

Every champion will start the game at level 3. Additionally, every champion has 50% cooldown reduction on active items and spells. If a champion is able to kill three enemy champions without dying then the champion will get a bonus buff of invisibility and increased movement speed. There are no outer turrets in the game and at the 6-minute mark, inner turrets will fall too. Most of the Defensive items have been removed promoting a more aggressive gameplay.

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