5 Best Games you can Buy for Cheap in Steam Midweek Madness Sale

Steam Midweek Madness Sale
Steam Midweek Madness Sale

#4 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

This is one of the best games in this sale list. There's not much I can say about the game that I have not said already. Witcher and its open-world will always be a huge attraction for myself and adventure-RPG lovers.

Another reason why you should get it? well, Witcher is expensive. I believe its worth the price but I still can't ignore the fact that the game is pretty expensive and you will think twice before investing that much. But Witcher on a sale is definitely worth it.

Witcher is an award-winning series and this game did not disappoint anyone either. Witcher 3 received huge praise all over the world. I have yet to see a critic review that gave witcher below 9.

Witcher 3 is set in a visually stunning fantasy universe that breathes life. The stunning world of Witches and the interactive open-world is simply worth falling in love with. You play as the professional monster hunter with a massive range of upgradable weapons. Hunt down exotic monsters, use the reward to upgrade your weapon and wander around the morally indifferent fantasy world. Every choice has consequences, make choices that are beyond the earthly morals and deal with the consequences, chase down the child if prophecy and become a living legend.

#5 Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales is straight from the creators of Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. In this game, the land of Rivia and Lyria is being evaded. The war veteran who is also the queen picks her weapons up to defend her land as she goes on a path of war and destruction.

Thronebreaker is a single-player game set in the world of Witcher. It is a narrative driven game with card-battle mechanics.

The game offers you a whole new witcher tale with 20 different possible endings. You can venture into kingdoms you have never seen before, meet multi-dimensional characters who will help you in the war or fight against you in the battlefield. Make difficult choices and influence the state of the world around you as you deal with the consequences. Be prepared because the world of witcher is not forgiving at all.

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