5 'Favorite' Champions in LoL (Bronze Tier)

"A wanderer isn't always lost" but, the one on my team usually is

#4 Zed (Mid / Troll top)

"The silent blade is the deadliest." The sound of him using his 'Ghostblade' is the only thing that will save you from this monster.

"The unseen blade is the deadliest." I have no shame in admitting that the minute I see a Zed score 'First Blood', I am all but certain that the game is lost. For some reason, every Zed player in 'ranked matches' seems to be really good. Level 6, and that is it for the AD carry. Zed now has a free farm for all the bonus attack damage he needs! You hear a Zed popping his 'Youmuu's Ghostblade' and you know the time has come to 'flash' and 'heal' at the same time so that he doesn't have a chance to 'Death Mark' you. For you know, it is not nice as it has the word 'death' in it. This champion, however, has a great potential to carry in solo queue and that is why I think it deserves a spot in this list.