9 Quest Decks from Hearthstone's Saviors of Uldum (Standard)

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#3. Quest Mage

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Deck Code: AAECAf0ECrQE7QW4CO72ApX/Arn/AqOHA9aZA86dA7mlAwq7AqsEywTmBJYFo/0CyIcDn5sD4psD/50DAA==


The Mage Quest is not quite as powerful as the Un'Goro version. The Hero Power simply adds a Mage spell to your hand, discounted. But you can also pair it with Spell Damage cards. Getting an 8 mana Pyroblast is pretty powerful!

Cards like Mana Cyclone can replenish your hand and give you spells. The discounted spells make it easier to use Mana Cyclone as well. Use Spell Damage to burst down enemies!

#4. Quest Paladin

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Paladin got some below-average cards this expansion but the Quest works pretty well with previous cards. This list is from pro player Trump and he's shown us that the Hero Power works really well.

Playing 4 Reborn minions is a relatively easy task. Using the 2/2 copy on Mechs such as Mechanical Whelp, Mechan-o-Egg or Zilliax has a strong effect. Kangor's Endless Army can resurrect your Mechs if you Magnetized them. The deck lacks a draw mechanic but it can be very powerful.

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