9 Quest Decks from Hearthstone's Saviors of Uldum (Standard)

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#5. Quest Priest

Image result for activate the obelisk hearthstone

Deck Code: AAECAa0GAqCAA92rAw7lBPYH1QjSCvIM5fcC+/4C5IoDg5QDr6UDu6UD0aUD0qUDmakDAA==


The Priest Quest is a very strong quest, probably one of the best in the set. It is a direct upgrade to the Hero Power which also gives minions +3/+3. You simply need to restore 15 health to complete the quest, which you can also do on enemy characters.

Cards such as Injured Blademaster and Damaged Stegotron have become much better with this Quest. You just need to buff your minions as high as possible and beat down the enemy. Priest's new Reborn cards can also be used as a support for this deck.

#6. Quest Rogue

Image result for bazaar burglary hearthstone

Deck Code: AAECAaIHCOvwAqCAA9aMA6+RA5KXA6eoA6qoA5+3Awu0Ad0Ix/gC3oIDj5cDkJcD+5oD/poD+6UD9acDragDAA==


Quest Rogue has nowhere near the power level of the Caverns Below, which got nerfed thrice. It is very easy to fulfill with just adding 4 different class cards to your hand. It is definitely a sweet upgrade to the Hero Power though.

You can also run this with Pirates such as Captain Greenskin or weapon buffs like Deadly Poison and beat down the opponent with a strongly buffed weapon. Either way, a 3/2 weapon which makes you immune while attacking justifies running the Quest.

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