Anthem Vs The Division 2: Which MMORPG is Better?

Pic credit-Gamerant
Pic credit-Gamerant

#3. End Game



Being a multiplayer service based title, the most important factor for any game is for how long is it going to keep the players engaged. The only way to do that is of course by providing more contents to the players after the credits roll.

When it comes to Anthem, Bioware has indeed offered some insight on the free updates the game will be receiving, however, there are no concrete details on how the game will evolve once it releases.

Maybe we will get more information on this once the game releases but for the time being Anthem's end game looks pretty empty.

EA and Bioware will be sure to keep the game going on for a long time but seeing their track record it seems very unlikely.

The Division 2

The Division 2
The Division

Since the time Ubisoft announced The Division 2, they have been emphasising a lot on how the end game of The Division 2 is the most important aspect of the game.

And after trying the same during the recently held private beta, I can confidently say that its good.

You see when the credits roll in The Division 2, a new faction called Black Tusks to take over the game's world. They are extremely skilled high-level enemies in the game and will require a tactful approach to every encounter. Also, playing it solo is not recommended.

Aside, the difficult enemies and unique combat scenarios then the main game, the end game of The Division 2 will offer 3 new skills and signature weapons to the players to make the combat fresh.

Winner- The Division 2.

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