Best build for Eula in Genshin Impact

Several builds can be used for Eula, the new, powerful Cryo character in Genshin Impact. (image via Genshin Impact Youtube)
Several builds can be used for Eula, the new, powerful Cryo character in Genshin Impact. (image via Genshin Impact Youtube)

The new Event banners in Genshin Impact have now been rotated and Eula has officially joined the game.

Canonically, Eula is a member of the Knights of Favonius, where she acts as the captain of the Reconnaissance Company. She mentions “vengeance” quite a bit, most notably in her efforts to reclaim her family's former glory.

As a now-playable character, Eula is one of the best options a player can have to fill a main DPS slot.

Also read: Eula vs Kazuha: Which Genshin Impact characters should you summon?

Best build for Eula for maximum effectiveness in Genshin Impact

Eula is a claymore-wielding Cryo character who deals massive physical damage and has an incredibly powerful Elemental Burst. Her best builds, like with some other DPS characters in Genshin Impact, focus on buffing her attack and Physical Damage.

Best weapons for Eula

Eula’s signature weapon, Song of Broken Pines, is the best in-slot choice for the new character.

The new Claymore allows its users to stack Sigil of Whispers when landing normal and charged attacks. When four Sigils are stacked, all of them are used to increase party members’ ATK and ATK SPD. The weapon also increases ATK by 16%, and this buff increases as the weapon is refined.

Also, the Song of Broken Pines has the highest base ATK for any weapon in the game so far, and its secondary substat increases Physical Damage, making the weapon a perfect fit for Eula.

Song of Broken Pines (Image via undiscovery CH)
Song of Broken Pines (Image via undiscovery CH)

Players who don’t wish on the new weapon banner still have plenty of options. Naturally, Wolf’s Gravestone owners can still use their legendary claymore with Eula. It’s been regarded universally as the best claymore in the game (though that may now change). Wolf’s Gravestone lacks in base ATK compared to other five-star claymores, but the 20% ATK boost and teamwide ATK-boosting ability make it viable for any main DPS.

Wolf’s Gravestone (image via based diluc)
Wolf’s Gravestone (image via based diluc)

Eula can also work well with some four-star claymores. The Serpent Spine will allow her to deal more damage as she spends more time on the field, and since she’s a main DPS, she should be on the field quite a bit. Unfortunately, this claymore also increases the damage taken, but Eula’s Grimheart stacks will help counterbalance this debuff.

Serpent Spine (image via Genshin Impact)
Serpent Spine (image via Genshin Impact)

Eula can also make good use of the free and craftable Snow-Tombed Starsilver. Upon hits with normal and charged attacks, this claymore sometimes damages enemies with a falling icicle, dealing significantly more damage to enemies affected by Cryo. Since Eula can use her Elemental Skill and Burst abilities to infuse Cryo into her enemies, the Snow-Tombed Starsilver makes for a great F2P option.

Also read: Song of Broken Pines in Genshin Impact: Stats, passive abilities, and suitable characters explained

Best artifacts for Eula

The best artifact set to be equipped onto Eula is the new Pale Flame set that debuted with version 1.5’s release.

The Pale Flame artifacts boost Physical Damage by 25% with a two-piece set equipped. With a four-piece set, the character gets ATK buffs upon hits with their Elemental Skill. This effect can stack twice and with two stacks, the two-piece set buff is doubled.

Pale Flame artifact set bonuses (image via game8)
Pale Flame artifact set bonuses (image via game8)

Since Eula is clearly built to be the main DPS, she relies a lot on her Physical DMG output. The Pale Flame set is the best option to reliably increase a character's Physical DPS capabilities.

Genshin Impact players can also look at Bloodstained Chivalry artifacts to buff up Physical DMG. The four-piece set is only buffs charged attacks, which isn’t very helpful for Eula. However, the two-piece set bonus is the same as that of the Pale Flame set, increasing Physical Damage by 25%. So, using a two-piece set of Pale Flame and a two-piece set of Bloodstained Chivalry is a good artifact combination for Eula.

Bloodstained Chivalry artifact set bonuses (image via game8)
Bloodstained Chivalry artifact set bonuses (image via game8)

Regarding Eula’s artifact stats and substats, players should prioritize ATK %, Crit Rate and Crit Damage. A Goblet that buffs Physical Damage is also recommended.

This glass-cannon approach is common among DPS characters in Genshin Impact, and Eula is no exception. Her meta gameplay focuses on Physical Damage, so Elemental Mastery isn’t very necessary. Elemental Recharge helps Eula since her Burst is so powerful, but damage-focused stats still work better for DPS.

Also read: Aquila Favonia in Genshin Impact: Stats, passive abilities, and suitable characters explained

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