Dota 2 Battle Pass: 5 Tips to Level Up Your Battle Pass Fast

Image courtesy: ESTNN website
Image courtesy: ESTNN website

#2 Wagering

Image courtesy: Dota 2 blast website
Image courtesy: Dota 2 blast website

Many players don’t wager because they are afraid of losing battle points. However, that is a totally wrong idea. Wagering on random matches will make it risky and you will end up losing points. The right way to wager is making a five-man party and playing - that way you at least know you have a better probability of winning.

You can wager in Solo queue matches too, and if you have a great match-up of heroes against the enemy, it will probably result in a win. Having one or two smurf players in your team will mostly guarantee a win so look out for that. One more important point is to wager large amounts of points. A 50 point wager won't get you anywhere - try to be brave and wager 1000 or more points if you are very confident.

#3 Trivia

Image courtesy: Ungeek website
Image courtesy: Ungeek website

You might have scored points on Trivia questions which come on your screen when you start finding a match. They are mostly easy questions and also repeat themselves later. So if you have given a wrong answer, you can eventually get them right.

However, most of the times people are too lazy to answer them or they get a match very fast. The best trick is to find a match where no one searches and keep solving these Trivia questions and gain free points. For example, searching for 1v1 mid normally takes long and will give you time to solve at least 10 questions.

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