DOTA 2: Counter the Top Meta Heroes

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Credit: Reddit

#2 Tusk


Tag-Team is one of the best laning stage abilities now. There are very few heroes that can deal with the spell in the lane. In addition to that, Tusk provides a very high-tempo game that most supports can't keep up with.

  1. Elder Titan - Elder Titan is one of the best Tusk counters at the moment if not the best tusk counter. Astral Spirit allows ET to match the damage output of Tusk in the lane, in addition, Stomp and Splitter are amazing counter to snowball ganks and buys teammates enough time to disengage from shards.
  2. Keeper of the Light - KOTL has to be careful against Tusk early, so if you are not comfortable with positioning, then I would advise you to avoid this matchup. A well positioned KOTL is similar to ET in many ways. Illuminate is a great spell with high damage, you can cast it from a massive range and it bound to hit heroes who are grouped up for tag-team. Blinding light ruins the entire duration of Tag-team and when maxed out it also matches the low cooldown of Tag-team. And finally, KOTL has the power to counter-gank a snowball gank with his ultimate.
  3. Brew Master - Drunken Brawler is the same duration as Tag-Team and that helps Brewmaster to man up and trade 1v1 with Tusk. Brewmaster is one of those heroes who can consistently fight against Tusk under the duration of tag-team.

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