Dota 2 Guide: Best Lane Combos to Dominate your Game

Image Courtesy: Pinterest website
Image Courtesy: Pinterest website

The general meta has shifted from solo offlaners to dual heros in the lane, this has been the trend for quite sometime now. With the change to how lanes are played, it has been vital to win offlanes and crush enemy safe lane. Winning and gaining early advantage as an offlaner enables the hero to rotate to other lanes and aid ally hero to win and crush enemy’s game. Most of the times, the game becomes very simple and easy to win after crushing the enemy heroes badly in the early stage. Having good matchups in the offlane against enemy safe laner is vital in achieving a victory. Here are some of the best hero combos you can use in the hard lane to win your games:

1. Sandking/Techies

Image courtesy: Youtube website
Image courtesy: Youtube website

Sandking and Techies are a nightmare to deal with for general safelaners who lack proper regen abilities and can’t trade well against magic damage. SandKing has a chain stun, using which he can stun multiple heroes at once and Techies has a high damage nuke with his ability Blast Off. Basically SK can stun an enemy carry along with their support and Techies can land his blast off very effectively on the stunned targets. Apart from this SandKing is very annoying with his Sandstorm ability which was buffed in patch v7.21d.

2. Pangolier/Bane

Image courtesy: The Flying Courier website
Image courtesy: The Flying Courier website

Pangolier is a menace even on his own, imagine what he can do if he is paired with a hero like Bane. Pango cannot trade well in the early four to five minutes of the game, Bane fills in the role by sapping health from enemy hero and reducing their attack speed by using Enfeeble. Regardless of his abilities, Bane falls off a little when the enemy carry gets level six and above. However, Pango shines to glory and gets a huge power spike around the seven minute mark with a Javelin which keeps the pressure constant on the enemy safe lane.

3. Leshrac/Sven

Image courtesy: Red Bull website
Image courtesy: Red Bull website

A few patches back Sven was like one of the best offlaners in the game. However, the hero fell off quite a bit with nerfs to his abilities. Nevertheless, Sven can still be effective with a hero like Leshrac who has high damage nukes and great pushing ability. Leshrac has a difficult to land stun but can be paired really well with Sven’s Storm Hammer to land two perfect AOE stun and damage spells. Apart from this Sven has Warcry which gives Leshrac bonus speed and shield against enemy hit damage. Both heroes can basically run in enemy towers after level six and harass them out of lane. Leshrac can then easily take the enemy safe lane tower and gain access to enemy jungle for the team.

4. Necrophos/Spirit Breaker

Image courtesy: Mineski website
Image courtesy: Mineski website

This lane combo is one of the most annoying and lane crushing in this entire list. Necro has a really good sustain in lane by himself, when coupled with presence of a tanky and beefy hero like Spirit Breaker, it becomes extremely difficult for the enemy team to out harass them. The main reason of putting Spirit Breaker is that he roams around the map in addition to staying in the offlane, which gives solo XP to Necro. This enables Necro to get six fast, later Spirit breaker can just charge anyone of the safe lane heroes, ult them and Necrophos can use his Reaper's Scythe to finish off the enemy.

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