Dota 2 Guide: How to Win a Lost Game?

Image Courtesy: Pinterest website
Image Courtesy: Pinterest website

Split Pushing

Image Courtesy: Twitch website
Image Courtesy: Twitch website

Split pushing is one of the most annoying plays one can make in a game of dota. As discussed earlier you are playing heroes which have great ability to clear creep waves, enabling you to push lanes. Once you see the enemy team is grouping up to push a lane just go to the opposite lane and start pushing it. Your team will most likely engage in a team fight to defend towers but you will be distracting the enemy from taking your objectives.The result is very simple, even though the enemy team is higher in net worth they have to split and engage resources on you, because you are taking their buildings. As a result they will get out numbered in team fights which will benefit your team as well and slow down the enemy’s push. If you have ample farm you may even kill the enemy heroes trying to rotate to stop you.

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