Dota 2 Guide: Tips to Become Unstoppable as a Mid Laner

Image courtesy: Dota 2 gamepedia website
Image courtesy: Dota 2 gamepedia website

#2 Playing pushing and high mobility heroes

Image courtesy: Youtube website
Image courtesy: Youtube website

There are a lot of Dota 2 heroes who have high mobility and can clear wave quickly and easily. Examples being heroes like Ember Spirit, Death Prophet, Lina and Storm Spirit. These heroes in mid often have high damage and kill potential and can pick off enemy heroes. That is exactly what you need to do with them, if you are snowballing mid or even have a decent lane but your whole team is struggling, you do not need to group up with two other heros of your team and disrupt the balance of the game.

Instead, you can make plays yourself like pushing an empty lane, aggressively trying to push tower or picking off a hero in their jungle. The enemy will react to your actions, using their TPs and other resources. If they expend too many heroes, you can always use your high mobility to escape and go to other parts of map to create a similar situation. This will make enemy’s game extremely hard and will create a ton of space for your team. Just be careful not to overextend and start feeding.

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