Dota 2 Heroes: Best Meta Heroes in patch 7.21d

Image courtesy: Inverse website
Image courtesy: Inverse website

#2 Lion

Image courtesy: Dotafire website
Image courtesy: Dotafire website

Lion is a really straightforward and easy Dota 2 hero to play with great disables and powerful nuke. However, I have seen people play lion as a position five support, which is not the best role for the hero in the current meta. Lion’s abilities really shine when he has the right items, in short the hero is item dependent because it is too squishy for standing in team fights. Items such as a Blink Dagger or Force Staff which help in both initiating and disengaging from fights. The hero can also rush Aghanim's Scepter before going into Blink just to get AOE Finger of Death and build up stacks to increase the damage. In addition Scepter also gives decent manapool and stats.

#3 Disrupter

Image courtesy: Steemit website
Image courtesy: Steemit website

This hero is extremely underrated, having a very low pick rate compared to other support heroes in the patch. Disrupter has a great lane potential when paired with heroes like Juggernaut, Lifestealer or Troll Warlord. He has a good nuke to harass enemy offlaner, an amazing spell named Glimpse which so reliable to chase enemy and a massive AOE ultimate which does tons of damage not to forget an ability to keep enemy heroes within it. The hero can solo kill some carries if played well and has massive potential as a support.

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