DOTA 2: Top 5 fun heroes and roles to try in Patch 7.21


#2 Support Enchantress


Enchantress was irrelevant after her nerfs. In the lane Enchant had a longer cooldown duration, this caused a lot of problems for her. Because of this either she can't have a creep in the lane that she wants or even if she can find one, the creep will die before she can take it to the lane.

Now, in this patch, this is no longer a problem and because of that, she can be played like a 4th or 5th position support.

For items, buy some starting regeneration items, a mango or clarity. Carrying a blight stone is a good idea. If you're crushing them in the game you might consider going for trades, a force staff, even medallion is a pretty good item. If the game goes well, then maybe a hurricane pike might be good enough.

#3 Core Night Stalker

Night Stalker did not exactly receive huge buff but his ultimate now gives unobstructed vision. This is pretty good because it's a lot like when he had Aghanim's. You can just see everything and set the fight as you want. You can see your enemy positions and that is a huge advantage in any fight.

This hero has a very weak lane presence and he is very bad as support. But if you can farm on the first day time and have items within the first night time or soon, you can have a very large impact on the game.

We will recommend Phase boots, Magic Wand and Urn of Shadows as early items. Just because you are a core it does not mean you can't fight. If you have your ultimate and few levels in your slow hunter in the night, you should be looking to make plays over the map.

For the next item I'll mention Midas, I know I am saying this and now you all going to hate me, blame me even for ruining your pubs. But Midas is actually a good item on Core Night Stalker if you can farm fast.

You will be roaming around the map a lot, NS is not particularly good at pushing either but he is probably the strongest hero in the night. You need your NS to have a steady source of farm, so you can utilize every night in the game possible.

For bigger items you should be looking for Halberd or BKB, maybe abyssal even if you keep getting farm. If the game goes very late, you might consider some damage items like MKB in the late game.

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