Dota 2: 5 Best offlaners of 7.24b patch 

Dota 2
Dota 2

The developers nerfed a few overpowered heroes of the patch 7.24b in Dota 2. The update was small but its impact on offlaners was significant. Nerf to some over used items like a tiny nerf to Bracer impacted the offlaners and heroes who bought double Bracers. Amongst all these changes, the top tier offlaners have also re-shuffled. This article lists down the top five offlaners in the current patch to help players pick better.

#5 Slardar

Dota 2 hero Slardar
Dota 2 hero Slardar

The nerf to Slardar in patch 7.24b had a massive impact on his presence and a drop of approximately three percent was seen on the hero. However, Sladar still sits at a healthy 52 percent win rate. The main reason behind the hero’s success in lower brackets is his ability to lockdown targets so frequently.

Lower MMR pub players lack aptitude to play around stuns and look for openings in between them. Slardar capitalizes on his third skill and low armour from his ultimate, dishing out tons of physical damage even in the early game.

Common items on the hero include Blink Dagger, BKB, Echo Sabre, Aghanim's Scepter. Other situational items include Vladmir’s Offering, Assault Cuirass, etc.

#4 Legion Commander

Dota 2 hero Legion Commander
Dota 2 hero Legion Commander

Legion is probably one of the most controversial heroes on this list. The hero relies on a solid start, one cannot pick her against all the match-ups. That said, the hero snowballs out of control if played correctly and counters most carries popular in the meta.

The skill builds on the Legion Commander depends on the enemy heroes in the lane and overall game. If one thinks they can trade well with right-clicks in the lane, it is always advisable to max second and third skills.

However, if the opposite laning heroes are difficult to trade with, few points in first skill will help secure valuable XP and Gold of ranged creeps and give much needed movement speed. Early duels on fragile or low HP heroes is a great way to build up duel damage and snowball in the game.

Common items on the hero include Blink Dagger, Blade Mail, Desolator and BKB. Other situational items are Silver Edge, Assault Cuirass and Aghanim's Scepter.

#3 Abaddon

Dota 2 hero Abaddon
Dota 2 hero Abaddon

Abaddon, despite many nerfs, stays strong as an offlaner. The hero has a 52.71 percent win rate and is great against most matchups in this patch. The ability to sustain in the lane, act as a front liner and an innate ability to regenerate health once his ultimate gets going, makes Abaddon a perfect offlaner in the meta.

The contributions from Abaddon come from his items in the game. Typical item builds include Pipe of Insight, Vladmir’s Offering, Heaven’s Halberd and other aura items such as Assault Cuirass. These items give the team much needed advantage of HP regeneration, armour and lifesteal. Aura items are very important in the current meta, and Abaddon is a great hero who can use different categories of items.

#2 Mars

Dota 2 hero Mars
Dota 2 hero Mars

The change to Mars’ Bulwark ability has made a significant impact on the hero. The toggle causes Mars to take 70 percent of all attack projectiles aimed at his allies. It also gives Mars ability to block incoming damage from the front by 70 percent and 35 percent from the sides, making him tanky and unkillable.

Mars is like the hero Bristleback but from the front side. He soaks in tons of damage for his team, this enables the rest of the team and provides space for other cores. Mars also has great team fight abilities. Some famous items on Mars include Blink Dagger, Vladmir’s Offering, BKB and other situational items like Pipe of Insight and Assault Cuirass.

#1 Underlord

Dota 2 hero Underlord
Dota 2 hero Underlord

Underlord has enjoyed a majority of time in the meta as one of the most obnoxious heroes in the offlane. The hero, despite getting nerfed in 7.24, still stands with 55.65 percent win rate. The main reason behind Underlord’s success as an offlaner is the versatility in his skill build in the laning phase.

Much like Legion Commander, one can level up Firestorm as the first skill, if it is difficult to trade right-clicks in the lane. One gives first-skill preference to Atrophy Aura if they can trade well. One can max out firestorm in the laning phase and helps get creeps and harass on the enemy heroes.

The Firestorm ability of Underlord helps clear waves which is very important in any game of Dota. The hero is tanky and after level 10 gains much needed movement speed with his talent. This helps the hero be more mobile on the map and push out the dead lane, making much needed space for his team.

Common items of the hero include Pipe of Insight, Guardian Greaves and Crimson Guard. Other situational items are Lotus Orb, Heaven’s Helbert, Vladmir’s Offering, etc.

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