Dota 2 Update: 3 Changes to Expect from Patch 7.22

Image courtesy: Dbltap website
Image courtesy: Dbltap website

The MDL Disneyland Paris Major has probably been the last Major with patch version 7.21 in its roots.

Eventually, the StarLadder Ukraine Minor will end and that will mark the start of a new patch and most certainly a newer way of playing the incredible game.

Every major patch has always paved a new path for the game and has kept the game from becoming monotonous and boring.

Although the 7.21 patch lingered for quite a while and had its smaller balancing updates. The game still isn’t quite balanced.

Valve will obviously address these in the next patch, we will discuss some of the most important changes apart from hero buffs and nerfs which are expected to hit after the 7.22 game update arrives.

#3 Radiant Vs Dire

Image courtesy: Steam community website
Image courtesy: Steam community website

We all know that the game is Radiant against Dire. But this is about how Radiant has an upper hand over the Dire side.

The teams who have played matches on Radiant have had a map advantage over Dire, which has resulted in a higher win rate for the side.

Advantages on Radiant half include, easy pull mechanics in the safelane. Dire pull mechanics were slightly buffed but it is still harder to pull off than Radiant.

The Radiant mid lane also has an easy access to the neutral camp, which enables the players to farm both mid and the camp easily.

Radiant offlane can pull big camp and get lane advantage but the Dire offlane cannot do so very easily.

Even the placement of the Roshan Pit is disadvantageous for the Dire side because their jungle is close by and is easily accessible after taking the Dire safelane tower, hence giving huge control over Roshan.

It won’t be surprising if Ice Frog decides to tip the balance in favor of the Dire side with the 7.22 game update.

#2 Bounty Runes

Image courtesy: ggScore website
Image courtesy: ggScore website

Since the addition of Bounty Runes and their ability to grant gold to the entire team, Dota was never the same.

These runes, which serve as a gold bonus for the entire team, have become a map objective other than the towers and buildings. There are smoke ganks and fights breaking out just to contest the runes and give one team an edge over the other.

The whole concept of having to push your own safelane just before the five minute mark is all due to the runes. Creeps being farther away from your tower can enable your support or you to contest the runes from the offlaners.

However, this concept has been there for a long time and I think Ice Frog will definitely change bits and pieces to stir things up in the Gold Rune department. For example: Spawning runes at different times, spawning runes randomly at one of the two spots.

#1 Item Nerfs and Buffs

Image Courtesy: DeviantArt website
Image Courtesy: DeviantArt website

A major update will always have item changes with a series of nerfs and buffs to different items. Items like Guardian Greaves which is picked every single game, we have seen mid laners picking up Greaves, if not some offlaners like Pangolier or Dark Seer.

Greaves is an extremely good item in the patch and it won't be surprising if it gets the nerf hammer.

Similarly, Vladimir's Offering has seen an upside to its pick rate too, giving decent mana regeneration and lifesteal aura is a huge advantage for early pushing teams.

Spirit Vessel is another one of the mandatory items which position fours sometimes even position fives pick, it helps to kill tanky heroes.

On the other hand, items such as Heart of Tarrasque, Aeon Disk, Octarine Core and Holy Locket can receive buffs to them as they are very useless in the patch and are rarely getting picked.