Dota 2 Update: Best Dota 2 Heroes of Patch 7.22c

Image Courtesy: Inverse website
Image Courtesy: Inverse website

The major Dota 2 update of patch v7.22 rolled out on 24 May 2019. It introduced new scepter bonuses for the remaining heroes and a series of other changes which has shifted the meta of the game. However, like every other major game update, patch v7.22 was not perfect and Valve rolled out patch v7.22b to address those.

Recently, Valve released a third game update of patch v7.22c which introduced some item and hero changes. While there was only one item which was buffed, the hero changes were really significant. The developers really gave little buffs to already decent heroes which will make them a really strong option in this patch. Some heroes might be completely overpowered because of the slight changes made to them. We will discuss some of those heroes who are really strong and can win you tons of MMR with the right knowledge about them.

#1 Clinkz

Image Courtesy: DeviantArt website
Image Courtesy: DeviantArt website

Clinkz is one hero IceFrog kept buffing throughout the previous patches. The agility core had a rework of his ultimate skill, but was not a very viable option. However, with the recent changes Clinkz can be a very good Offlaner and work brilliantly in mid as well. The level 10 talent of +10 strength gives Clinkz much needed HP boost, making him more tanky and harder to kill.

Previously, Clinkz became tanky by eating creeps using his ultimate, but after the rework the hero fell off in terms of survivability. This talent fills that gap perfectly. The reduced cooldown of Burning Army also helps in making him viable for frequents fights. The hero was already good in the laning stages because of the changes in the previous patch buffing his use of Searing Arrows by reducing the mana cost. The Scepter bonus gives Clinkz even more damage potential because it spawns two skeletons around him every time he Skeleton Walks.

#2 Enchantress

Image Courtesy: Pinterest website
Image Courtesy: Pinterest website

Enchantress is probably one of the hardest to kill Intelligence heroes of the game. Combine that with the minor buffs she has received over the past patches and you get a pub stomping monster. Enchantress was buffed in patch 7.21d, increasing her base armor by 1 and Base intelligence from 17 to 19. This change was pretty noticeable as the hero was right back in proper meta, not that she was weak in the previous patches but the slight buffs really made he strong in the laning stages and gave her much needed boost.

The recent game update of patch 7.22c buffed Dota 2 hero Enchantress even more. The main and most obnoxious skill that the hero has was Impetus which is now buffed, increasing its range from 550 to 575 this will be game changing. There has also been a significant reduction in the Enchant cooldown which will make Enchantress a formidable offlaner. I can already guess Enchantress being one of the banned heroes in The International tournament.

#3 Faceless Void

Image Courtesy: GoodFon website
Image Courtesy: GoodFon website

Faceless Void does not have a very high pick rate, because it lacks the ability to fight after using its ultimate ability Chronosphere. However, the hero has received some buffs in this patch which make him viable in games where a long lock-down or single target heroes are mandatory. The increase in the radius of Chronosphere from 425 to 450 will give Void a slight advantage when locking down heroes. He has also received buffs to Time Lock, where the chance of the ability has been increased significantly at all levels.

The Dota 2 hero is not only viable as a safelane carry but can also be played as an offlaner. A successful Void in an offlane will have an early Scepter and a BKB to lock down enemies in the Chronosphere, the meta has shifted to occasional team fights winning the little team fights open the pathway to grouping up and taking towers and other objectives like Roshan. Faceless Void fits in that role perfectly with a Scepter.

#4 Tinker

Image Courtesy: Gamesports website
Image Courtesy: Gamesports website

IceFrog has once again proved that anything is possible in the game of Dota. Buffing an already annoying hero who has tons of nuke to annihilate the entire enemy team is testament of that. Tinker had a bad win rate even though his pick rate was quite decent. However, the buffs he has received in the 7.22c patch will definitely affect his win percentage in all brackets.

The mana cost of Tinker’s main ability March Of The Machines has been decreased, the ability helps the hero to farm fast and clear waves to push ally creeps to enemy tower. This change seems very small but coupled with the fact that the hero spams his first and second high nuke skills, a lower mana cost for any of his skills will help him spam more. However, this is only the cherry on top of the cake. The main and most buffed thing about the hero is his new level 15 talent which grants him the ability to have +150 Gold/Min. Lets go a little deep, Tinker is a mid Dota 2 hero who gets XP and levels up fast he goes to lanes and keeps spamming his wave clearing spell which accelerates his farm and XP. Tinker reaches level 15 very easily if he has had a decent laning phase. After level 15 the hero will then be able to farm even faster with the new talent and get late game items quicker then most other heroes in the game. A quick Sheep-Stick or an Ethereal blade, can prove game winning items. I can imagine this hero getting banned in every single pub game.

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