Dota 2 Counter Picks: Ultimate Guide to Counter Heroes


Different ways of countering a Hero


There are different ways of countering a hero. It can be a lane match up or it can be hero abilities. Let’s look at the ways we can counter certain heroes.

Lane Matchup- Lane matchup is something you use to win a lane against a certain hero or ruin their lane and stop them from farming. Most of the time, especially in this meta having a bad lane, is fatal. You can almost never come back in the game once you lose your lane and have a bad time farming. So pick a hero that counters the certain hero in the lane and force them to have a bad start.

Hero Ability- This is something that works pretty much in the whole game. Certain spells of certain heroes are good against some heroes. Such as Ancient Apparition Ultimate counters Alchemist at any point of the game. Alchemist heavily relies upon his regeneration from his Ultimate. AA’s ultimate just stops any kind of regeneration. Which means it straight out counters Alchemist ultimate and with follow up from your team it’s pretty easy to take down an Alchemist without his regeneration.

Items- Countering through items is an easier way to counter heroes as long as you know what items you need against which heroes. Such as Phantom Assassin is hard to kill because of her evasion. Monkey King Bar gives you true-strike. So if you are a hero that deals damage through right click then Monkey King Bar will make it easier for you to take down Phantom Assassin.

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