Everything You Need To Know About Upcoming Soul's Like Videogame "Code Vein"

Code Vein
Code Vein

City of Falling Flame is unveiled as a new location. This city is left in ruins and haunted by an eternal fire. This threat turns everything that is left into ashes. The Thorns of Judgment wind their way through the whole city and players have to avoid obstacles like huge walls of flames and therefore explore everything carefully. The Lost called Blazing Radical, who reminds of a knight, is not the only creature that hides in the flames.

Successor of the Claw is revealed as a major boss in CODE VEIN. It is a fearsome creature that covers its face with a mask and wields a terrific, burning sword. That's why it is up to the player to always be on guard and avoid its sweeping attacks. Also, this boss can burn the player if he gets too close to his claws and its two tails.

Code Vein
Code Vein

Numerous weapons will be available in CODE VEIN. The one-handed sword has the special attack of the Sunset Sword, which lets the user jump over his opponent and swing the sword down. The charged attacks of Broadsword and Hanemukuro have a strong influence on opponents. The two-handed sword’s special attack Zweihander is a far-reaching stab attack, which is executed while the user advances to his opponent. Nagimukuroand Warped Blade are attacks that are characteristic of a two-handed sword due to their great movement.