Fortnite: Lazarbeam controls Fresh's game in hilarious new video

Lazarbeam and Fresh
Lazarbeam and Fresh

Famous Australian Fortnite duo Lannon 'Lazarbeam' Eacott and Harley 'Fresh' Campbell are immensely popular in the streaming circuit with their fun and unique gameplay videos.

Their camaraderie and witty interactions are a source of amusement for their millions of subscribers, who look forward to each of their Fortnite videos.

And in Fresh's latest video, he hands over the reins to Lazarbeam, who controls each move that the former makes in a game of Fortnite Battle Royale.

What were the hilarious repercussions of this move? Let's find out.

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Fortnite Battle Royale ft 'Lazarbeam says'

The rules of this Fortnite Battle Royale remain relatively the same. The twist? Fresh has to do everything that Lazarbeam says, as his fate is quite literally in the latter's hands.

Throughout the 11-minute 10-second video, which has already raked in two million-plus views, Fresh appears to be at Lazarbeam's mercy throughout, as the latter spectates every move from the sidelines.

With his friend's fate in his hands, Lazarbeam could not help but gloat a bit:

"I am going to control Fresh's game. Anything I say, he has to do it. My word is law. I'm his father, if he doesn't do it, he's grounded"

From making Fresh land at a tiny island on the Fortnite map to making him drop all his material to even disallowing him from using a shield potion or med kit, the game starts off with Fresh in a pretty tight spot.

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No XP, no apples and no looting

Lazarbeam decides to up the evil quotient by ordering a hapless Fresh to avoid picking up Fortnite XP or apples, and even to throw fireflies at his own feet! Despite being made to chase and eliminate another competitor, Fresh isn't even allowed to pick up his impressive loot.

Things begin to go downhill for Fresh, as in the form of a 'punishment' he is made to empty his entire inventory atop a tower, and must try to survive with only the loot from the chests available there.

Adding further insult to injury, he can only loot materials for the remainder of the game — no weapons.

Lazarbeam's version of a No Loot challenge
Lazarbeam's version of a No Loot challenge

Pistols only to maximum height limit punishment

Using his Fortnite expertise, Fresh manages to land two impressive kills and reaches the final three. Armed only with pistols, Fresh seems to be heading for another Victory Royale when Lazarbeam throws another curveball at him.

Urging him to use his materials, Lazarbeam instructs Fresh to build and reach the maximum height limit as another punishment.

Punctuated by Lazarbeam's evil laughter in the background, Fresh precariously builds and just about hangs on, miles above the ground.

He makes his way back to the ground in stunning fashion — from atop a hot air balloon loot drop, and finally emerges victorious by stranding his competitor in the storm.

Fresh airdrops his way to a Victory Royale!
Fresh airdrops his way to a Victory Royale!

Lazarbeam's final verdict?

That was a goddamn adventure......Congratulations son, you are a champion!

You can watch Lazarbeam controlling Fresh's game in the video below.


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