Fortnite: Marvel vs DC ft. LazarBeam and Fresh

An exclusive Marvel vs DC Battle Royale
An exclusive Marvel vs DC Battle Royale

Lannan 'LazarBeam' Eacott and Harley 'Fresh' Campbell have recently released another super fun Fortnite video, with a 'superhero' twist.

In their latest video, the streamers play a game of Fortnite Battle Royale in superhero attire and bring the Marvel vs DC rivalry into the game.

On the Marvel side are LazarBeam and Fresh, with Fresh wielding Captain America's shield and Lazar stepping into Deadpool's shoes.

On Lazar being Deadpool, Fresh couldn't help but remark:

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Lannan's Deadpool because obviously- he's friends with Ryan Reynolds. I'm sure you heard from Lannan that he's in a movie with Ryan.

Their competitors, representing DC, are fellow streamers - McCreamy and Mau, in their Aquaman and Black Manta skins, respectively.

The side with the most eliminations by the end of the game, would be deemed victorious.

Marvel vs DC Round I

Just before their game of Fortnite Battle Royale commences, the four of them trash talk with each other, with Fresh being particularly 'aggressive' towards the 'Aquaman-Bug-Dude'.

From 'Make love to your puny shield' to 'make love to fish boy', the stage was set for chaos to ensue shortly.

Lazar and Fresh decide to land at, unsurprisingly, Deadpool's Yacht. Brimming with confidence while remembering their past victories, Fresh states:

We have beaten Ninja before, we can beat Aquaman and a damn bug, or whatever the hell that thing is.

Their confidence is quickly shattered as both Lazar and Fresh are knocked down, with only one kill between them, much to Mau and Mccreamy's delight.

DC reigns supreme in Round I
DC reigns supreme in Round I

'Captain America' and 'Deadpool' eventually indulge in a hilarious blame game as DC takes the lead with impressive 'six kills'.

Lazar's final jibe at Fresh:

Captain're a virgin!

Battleground Fortnite: Marvel v DC Round II

Deadpool and Captain America plan to make a comeback against the 'goddamn fish people' as they look to land eliminations with Fortnite becoming a superhero battleground.

The second round is much more intense and fast-paced. Fresh stacks up an impressive number of eliminations by knocking down several players, ably assisted by Lazar, who appears to be enjoying his Deadpool avatar just a little too much.

LazarBeam stays true to his Deadpool avatar.
LazarBeam stays true to his Deadpool avatar.

In a frantic finale, Fresh and Lazar end up balancing the scales as the score reads: Marvel-20: DC- 16.

Deadpool's trolling: Marvel v DC Round III

Before round III begins, Mau decides to change his Fortnite skin from Black 'bug guy' Manta to the more dependable Batman avatar.

Lazar continues to troll Fresh in staple Deadpool fashion as they narrowly escape getting blown up at Catty Corner Vault.

LazarBeam as Deadpool and Mau as Batman
LazarBeam as Deadpool and Mau as Batman

While 'Captain America' Fresh leads from the front and continues to land an impressive elimination count, Lazar derives enjoyment in knocking out Mau.

The result? Marvel emerges victorious in a closely fought Fortnite Battle Royale contest with DC.

Fresh celebrates in classic Captain America style as he cheerfully remarks:

Even with you trolling me the whole time, Lannan.....we won!

Check out the Marvel v DC Fortnite Battle Royale courtesy LazarBeam and Fresh, in the video below:


The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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